GALAXY (Glycoanalysis by the Three Axes of MS and Chromatography) is a database of elution data on glycan structures of glycoproteins analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The database includes data on 650 neutral, sialylated, glucuronylated, and/or sulfated N-linked oligosaccharides, which are expressed by a diagram in the shape of a tree with a tri-mannosyl core as the trunk and spreading branches .
Source | Last Updated |
GALAXY | March 31, 2022 |
GlyTouCan ID ▼ | Code | ODS (GU) | Amide (GU) | Mol. Weight |
1S1-310.84 | 14.699999809265137 | 9.100000381469727 | 2457.31005859375 |
2A2-210.15 | 16.200000762939453 | 6.599999904632568 | 2448.2900390625 |
210.11 | 10.100000381469727 | 7.699999809265137 | 1865.77001953125 |
210.16 | 10.100000381469727 | 5.5 | 1541.489990234375 |
200.4FX | 7.099999904632568 | 8.100000381469727 | 1997.8900146484375 |
310.19 | 10.800000190734863 | 9.199999809265137 | 2231.110107421875 |
110.2 | 10.199999809265137 | 5.099999904632568 | 1338.2900390625 |
410.22 | 14.399999618530273 | 10.199999809265137 | 2596.449951171875 |
1A2-210.4 | 15.699999809265137 | 7.400000095367432 | 2157.030029296875 |
300.9 | 12.0 | 7.099999904632568 | 1922.8199462890625 |
1A4-400.92 | 9.100000381469727 | 12.399999618530273 | 3227.989990234375 |
unknown_11 | 6.800000190734863 | 5.400000095367432 | 1395.3499755859375 |
unknown_121 | 7.150000095367432 | 6.070000171661377 | 1610.47998046875 |
410.41 | 13.199999809265137 | 7.699999809265137 | 2313.2099609375 |
1A1-100.4 | 7.800000190734863 | 6.0 | 1645.550048828125 |
M1.1FX | 6.300000190734863 | 3.4000000953674316 | 942.9299926757812 |
400.9 | 9.300000190734863 | 7.900000095367432 | 2126.02001953125 |
2S1-200.1 | 8.600000381469727 | 3.299999952316284 | 1555.4599609375 |
2A2-300.23 | 15.899999618530273 | 6.400000095367432 | 2505.340087890625 |
1A4-401.16 | 13.100000381469727 | 10.0 | 2944.760009765625 |
1H1-100.4 | 7.5 | 6.400000095367432 | 1530.4200439453125 |
1S1-310.87 | 13.100000381469727 | 10.0 | 2603.449951171875 |
200.23 | 10.600000381469727 | 8.600000381469727 | 2043.9100341796875 |
1A1-200.3 | 9.300000190734863 | 6.199999809265137 | 1848.739990234375 |
3H1-300.8 | 11.0 | 10.600000381469727 | 2613.360107421875 |
GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.
Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204
Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.0
Last updated: December 9, 2024