GlyCosmos Lectins

Protein entries annotated as carbohydrate-binding in UniProt. Glycosylation site information, along with glycan-binding patterns are also integrated where available.

Database Last Updated
MCAW-DB July 10, 2019
UniLectin June 14, 2023
UniProt February 16, 2024
Lectin Frontier DataBase (LfDB) February 16, 2024
CarboGrove June 14, 2023
GlyCosmos Lectin Lectin Name UniProt ID Monosaccharide Specificities Species Taxonomy ID GO Labels GO IDs ▼
Aggrecan core protein
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • perineuronal net
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
Neurocan core protein
  • GABA-ergic synapse
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • glutamatergic synapse
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • modulation of chemical synaptic transmission
  • perineuronal net
  • perisynaptic extracellular matrix
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • regulation of postsynapse organization
  • regulation of synapse structural plasticity
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0050804
  • GO:0051823
  • GO:0072534
  • GO:0098966
  • GO:0098978
  • GO:0098982
  • GO:0099175
Neurocan core protein
  • GABA-ergic synapse
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • glutamatergic synapse
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • modulation of chemical synaptic transmission
  • perineuronal net
  • perisynaptic extracellular matrix
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • regulation of postsynapse organization
  • regulation of synapse structural plasticity
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0050804
  • GO:0051823
  • GO:0072534
  • GO:0098966
  • GO:0098978
  • GO:0098982
  • GO:0099175
Aggrecan core protein
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • perineuronal net
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
Neurocan core protein
  • Golgi lumen
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • lysosomal lumen
  • perineuronal net
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005796
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0043202
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
Aggrecan core protein
  • Golgi lumen
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix structural constituent
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • lysosomal lumen
  • metal ion binding
  • perineuronal net
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • proteolysis
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005201
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005796
  • GO:0006508
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0043202
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0072534
Collagen alpha-1(IX) chain
  • bone morphogenesis
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cartilage development
  • chondrocyte proliferation
  • collagen type IX trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix organization
  • extracellular matrix structural constituent conferring tensile strength
  • extracellular space
  • growth plate cartilage development
  • metal ion binding
  • protein homodimerization activity
  • skeletal system development
  • tissue homeostasis
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001894
  • GO:0003417
  • GO:0005594
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0030020
  • GO:0030198
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0035988
  • GO:0042803
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0051216
  • GO:0060349
  • GO:0062023
Collagen alpha-1(IX) chain (Fragment)
  • bone morphogenesis
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cartilage development
  • chondrocyte differentiation
  • chondrocyte proliferation
  • collagen type IX trimer
  • extracellular region
  • growth plate cartilage development
  • metal ion binding
  • protein homodimerization activity
  • skeletal system development
  • tissue homeostasis
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001894
  • GO:0002062
  • GO:0003417
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005594
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0035988
  • GO:0042803
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0051216
  • GO:0060349
Versican core protein
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • interphotoreceptor matrix
  • perineuronal net
  • photoreceptor outer segment
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001750
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0033165
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
Versican core protein
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • interphotoreceptor matrix
  • perineuronal net
  • photoreceptor outer segment
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001750
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0033165
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
Displaying entries 2051 - 2060 of 2433 in total

International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01