GlyCosmos Lectins

Protein entries annotated as carbohydrate-binding in UniProt. Glycosylation site information, along with glycan-binding patterns are also integrated where available.

Database Last Updated
MCAW-DB July 10, 2019
UniLectin June 14, 2023
UniProt February 16, 2024
Lectin Frontier DataBase (LfDB) February 16, 2024
CarboGrove June 14, 2023
GlyCosmos Lectin Lectin Name UniProt ID Monosaccharide Specificities Species Taxonomy ID GO Labels ▲ GO IDs
  • G protein-coupled receptor binding
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • antigen binding
  • calcium-dependent protein binding
  • carbohydrate derivative binding
  • cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway
  • collagen trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • complement activation, lectin pathway
  • extracellular space
  • identical protein binding
  • mannan binding
  • metal ion binding
  • negative regulation of viral entry into host cell
  • pattern recognition receptor activity
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of interleukin-8 production
  • positive regulation of opsonization
  • protein localization to cell surface
  • proteoglycan binding
  • proteolysis
  • recognition of apoptotic cell
  • serine-type endopeptidase complex
  • sialic acid binding
  • signaling receptor binding
  • GO:0001664
  • GO:0001867
  • GO:0002752
  • GO:0003823
  • GO:0005102
  • GO:0005581
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0006508
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0032757
  • GO:0033691
  • GO:0034394
  • GO:0038187
  • GO:0042802
  • GO:0043394
  • GO:0043654
  • GO:0046597
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0048306
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0097367
  • GO:1903028
  • GO:1905370
  • GO:2001065
  • G protein-coupled receptor binding
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • antigen binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • carbohydrate derivative binding
  • cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway
  • collagen trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • complement activation, lectin pathway
  • external side of plasma membrane
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • ficolin-1-rich granule lumen
  • metal ion binding
  • negative regulation of viral entry into host cell
  • pattern recognition receptor activity
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of interleukin-8 production
  • positive regulation of opsonization
  • protein localization to cell surface
  • proteolysis
  • recognition of apoptotic cell
  • secretory granule lumen
  • serine-type endopeptidase complex
  • sialic acid binding
  • signaling receptor binding
  • GO:0001664
  • GO:0001867
  • GO:0002752
  • GO:0003823
  • GO:0005102
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005581
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0006508
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0009897
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0032757
  • GO:0033691
  • GO:0034394
  • GO:0034774
  • GO:0038187
  • GO:0043654
  • GO:0046597
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0097367
  • GO:1903028
  • GO:1904813
  • GO:1905370
  • G protein-coupled receptor binding
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • antigen binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • carbohydrate derivative binding
  • cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway
  • collagen trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • complement activation, lectin pathway
  • extracellular space
  • metal ion binding
  • negative regulation of viral entry into host cell
  • pattern recognition receptor activity
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of interleukin-8 production
  • positive regulation of opsonization
  • protein localization to cell surface
  • proteolysis
  • recognition of apoptotic cell
  • serine-type endopeptidase complex
  • sialic acid binding
  • signaling receptor binding
  • GO:0001664
  • GO:0001867
  • GO:0002752
  • GO:0003823
  • GO:0005102
  • GO:0005581
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0006508
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0032757
  • GO:0033691
  • GO:0034394
  • GO:0038187
  • GO:0043654
  • GO:0046597
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0097367
  • GO:1903028
  • GO:1905370
Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • G-protein alpha-subunit binding
  • Golgi apparatus
  • Golgi membrane
  • animal organ regeneration
  • cell surface
  • clathrin coat
  • clathrin-coated endocytic vesicle membrane
  • early endosome
  • endocytic vesicle
  • endosome
  • endosome membrane
  • enzyme binding
  • extracellular exosome
  • focal adhesion
  • identical protein binding
  • insulin-like growth factor II binding
  • insulin-like growth factor binding
  • insulin-like growth factor receptor activity
  • late endosome
  • liver development
  • lysosomal transport
  • mannose binding
  • membrane
  • nuclear envelope lumen
  • perinuclear region of cytoplasm
  • phosphoprotein binding
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation by host of viral process
  • positive regulation of apoptotic process
  • post-embryonic development
  • receptor-mediated endocytosis
  • response to retinoic acid
  • response to tetrachloromethane
  • retinoic acid binding
  • retromer complex binding
  • secretory granule membrane
  • signal transduction
  • signaling receptor activity
  • spermatogenesis
  • trans-Golgi network
  • trans-Golgi network membrane
  • trans-Golgi network transport vesicle
  • transport vesicle
  • GO:0000139
  • GO:0001889
  • GO:0001965
  • GO:0001972
  • GO:0005010
  • GO:0005520
  • GO:0005537
  • GO:0005641
  • GO:0005768
  • GO:0005769
  • GO:0005770
  • GO:0005794
  • GO:0005802
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0005925
  • GO:0006898
  • GO:0007041
  • GO:0007165
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0007283
  • GO:0009791
  • GO:0009986
  • GO:0010008
  • GO:0016020
  • GO:0019899
  • GO:0030118
  • GO:0030133
  • GO:0030139
  • GO:0030140
  • GO:0030667
  • GO:0030669
  • GO:0031100
  • GO:0031995
  • GO:0032526
  • GO:0032588
  • GO:0038023
  • GO:0042802
  • GO:0043065
  • GO:0044794
  • GO:0048471
  • GO:0051219
  • GO:0070062
  • GO:1904772
  • GO:1905394
Attractin-like protein 1
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • Notch binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • membrane
  • GO:0005112
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0016020
  • GO:0030246
Attractin-like protein 1
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • Notch binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • plasma membrane
  • GO:0005112
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0030246
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • T cell proliferation
  • activated T cell proliferation
  • adaptive immune response
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cytokine activity
  • extracellular space
  • extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand
  • gene expression
  • glycosphingolipid binding
  • growth factor activity
  • interleukin-2 receptor binding
  • interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway
  • kappa-type opioid receptor binding
  • leukocyte activation involved in immune response
  • lymphocyte proliferation
  • negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process
  • negative regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation
  • negative regulation of inflammatory response
  • negative regulation of lymphocyte proliferation
  • negative regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • positive regulation of B cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of T cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of T cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration
  • positive regulation of dendritic spine development
  • positive regulation of immunoglobulin production
  • positive regulation of interleukin-17 production
  • positive regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes
  • positive regulation of plasma cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
  • positive regulation of type II interferon production
  • positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein
  • protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation
  • regulation of T cell homeostatic proliferation
  • response to ethanol
  • response to tacrolimus
  • transcription by RNA polymerase II
  • GO:0001933
  • GO:0001934
  • GO:0002250
  • GO:0002366
  • GO:0002639
  • GO:0002903
  • GO:0005125
  • GO:0005134
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0006366
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0007204
  • GO:0007205
  • GO:0008083
  • GO:0010467
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030890
  • GO:0031851
  • GO:0032729
  • GO:0032740
  • GO:0038110
  • GO:0042098
  • GO:0042102
  • GO:0042104
  • GO:0042531
  • GO:0043208
  • GO:0045471
  • GO:0045582
  • GO:0045591
  • GO:0045944
  • GO:0046013
  • GO:0046651
  • GO:0048304
  • GO:0050672
  • GO:0050728
  • GO:0050798
  • GO:0060999
  • GO:0097192
  • GO:1900100
  • GO:1901327
  • GO:2000320
  • GO:2000561
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • T cell proliferation
  • activated T cell proliferation
  • adaptive immune response
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cytokine activity
  • extracellular space
  • extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand
  • gene expression
  • glycosphingolipid binding
  • growth factor activity
  • interleukin-2 receptor binding
  • interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway
  • kappa-type opioid receptor binding
  • leukocyte activation involved in immune response
  • lymphocyte proliferation
  • negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process
  • negative regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation
  • negative regulation of inflammatory response
  • negative regulation of lymphocyte proliferation
  • negative regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • positive regulation of B cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of T cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of T cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation
  • positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration
  • positive regulation of dendritic spine development
  • positive regulation of immunoglobulin production
  • positive regulation of interleukin-17 production
  • positive regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes
  • positive regulation of plasma cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of protein phosphorylation
  • positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation
  • positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
  • positive regulation of type II interferon production
  • positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein
  • protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell proliferation
  • regulation of T cell homeostatic proliferation
  • response to ethanol
  • transcription by RNA polymerase II
  • GO:0001933
  • GO:0001934
  • GO:0002250
  • GO:0002366
  • GO:0002639
  • GO:0002903
  • GO:0005125
  • GO:0005134
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0006366
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0007204
  • GO:0007205
  • GO:0008083
  • GO:0010467
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030890
  • GO:0031851
  • GO:0032729
  • GO:0032740
  • GO:0038110
  • GO:0042098
  • GO:0042102
  • GO:0042104
  • GO:0042531
  • GO:0043208
  • GO:0045471
  • GO:0045582
  • GO:0045591
  • GO:0045944
  • GO:0046013
  • GO:0046651
  • GO:0048304
  • GO:0050672
  • GO:0050728
  • GO:0050798
  • GO:0060999
  • GO:0097192
  • GO:1900100
  • GO:2000320
  • GO:2000561
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • antigen binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • carbohydrate derivative binding
  • cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway
  • collagen trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • complement activation, lectin pathway
  • extracellular space
  • metal ion binding
  • pattern recognition receptor activity
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of interleukin-8 production
  • signaling receptor binding
  • GO:0001867
  • GO:0002752
  • GO:0003823
  • GO:0005102
  • GO:0005581
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0032757
  • GO:0038187
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0097367
  • G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • antigen binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • carbohydrate derivative binding
  • cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway
  • collagen trimer
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • complement activation, lectin pathway
  • extracellular space
  • metal ion binding
  • pattern recognition receptor activity
  • plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of interleukin-8 production
  • signaling receptor binding
  • GO:0001867
  • GO:0002752
  • GO:0003823
  • GO:0005102
  • GO:0005581
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0007186
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0032757
  • GO:0038187
  • GO:0046872
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0097367
Displaying entries 261 - 270 of 2433 in total

International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01