GlyCosmos Lectins

Protein entries annotated as carbohydrate-binding in UniProt. Glycosylation site information, along with glycan-binding patterns are also integrated where available.

Database Last Updated
MCAW-DB July 10, 2019
UniLectin June 14, 2023
UniProt February 16, 2024
Lectin Frontier DataBase (LfDB) February 16, 2024
CarboGrove June 14, 2023
GlyCosmos Lectin Lectin Name UniProt ID Monosaccharide Specificities Species Taxonomy ID GO Labels GO IDs ▲
Protein OS-9 homolog
  • Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase ERAD-L complex
  • Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex
  • detection of unfolded protein
  • endoplasmic reticulum
  • endoplasmic reticulum lumen
  • endoplasmic reticulum membrane
  • endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
  • identical protein binding
  • luminal surveillance complex
  • oligosaccharide binding
  • retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
  • ubiquitin-dependent ERAD pathway
  • ubiquitin-dependent glycoprotein ERAD pathway
  • GO:0000836
  • GO:0000839
  • GO:0002235
  • GO:0005783
  • GO:0005788
  • GO:0005789
  • GO:0030433
  • GO:0030968
  • GO:0030970
  • GO:0034099
  • GO:0042802
  • GO:0070492
  • GO:0097466
Protein OS-9
  • Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex
  • carbohydrate binding
  • endoplasmic reticulum
  • endoplasmic reticulum lumen
  • endoplasmic reticulum membrane
  • endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
  • negative regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
  • protease binding
  • protein retention in ER lumen
  • protein targeting
  • protein ubiquitination
  • response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
  • retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol
  • ubiquitin-dependent ERAD pathway
  • ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
  • GO:0000836
  • GO:0002020
  • GO:0005783
  • GO:0005788
  • GO:0005789
  • GO:0006511
  • GO:0006605
  • GO:0006621
  • GO:0016567
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030433
  • GO:0030968
  • GO:0030970
  • GO:0034976
  • GO:1904153
Transcriptional regulator LsrR
  • DNA-templated transcription
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
  • cytosol
  • identical protein binding
  • regulation of DNA-templated transcription initiation
  • response to heat
  • GO:0000987
  • GO:0005829
  • GO:0006351
  • GO:0009408
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0042802
  • GO:2000142
Aggrecan core protein
  • GABA-ergic synapse
  • basement membrane
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cartilage condensation
  • cell adhesion
  • cellular response to growth factor stimulus
  • central nervous system development
  • chondroblast differentiation
  • chondrocyte development
  • collagen fibril organization
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • glutamatergic synapse
  • heart development
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • negative regulation of cell migration
  • neuronal cell body
  • ossification
  • perineuronal net
  • perisynaptic extracellular matrix
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • proteoglycan biosynthetic process
  • response to acidic pH
  • response to glucose
  • response to gravity
  • response to mechanical stimulus
  • response to organic cyclic compound
  • response to xenobiotic stimulus
  • skeletal system development
  • spinal cord development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001502
  • GO:0001503
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0002063
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005604
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0007507
  • GO:0009410
  • GO:0009612
  • GO:0009629
  • GO:0009749
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0010447
  • GO:0014070
  • GO:0021510
  • GO:0030166
  • GO:0030199
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030336
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0043025
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0060591
  • GO:0071363
  • GO:0072534
  • GO:0098966
  • GO:0098978
  • GO:0098982
Aggrecan core protein
  • GABA-ergic synapse
  • basement membrane
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cartilage condensation
  • cell adhesion
  • central nervous system development
  • chondrocyte development
  • collagen fibril organization
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • glutamatergic synapse
  • heart development
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • negative regulation of cell migration
  • neuronal cell body
  • perineuronal net
  • perisynaptic extracellular matrix
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • proteoglycan biosynthetic process
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001502
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0002063
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005604
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0007507
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0030166
  • GO:0030199
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030336
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0043025
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0072534
  • GO:0098966
  • GO:0098978
  • GO:0098982
  • bone mineralization
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cytoplasm
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular space
  • granular component
  • heparin binding
  • kringle domain binding
  • ossification
  • positive regulation of plasminogen activation
  • skeletal system development
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001503
  • GO:0001652
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005737
  • GO:0008201
  • GO:0010756
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030282
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0036143
C-type lectin domain family 3 member A
  • carbohydrate binding
  • extracellular space
  • ossification
  • skeletal system development
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001503
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0030246
  • Fc-gamma receptor I complex binding
  • IgE binding
  • RNA splicing
  • advanced glycation end-product receptor activity
  • antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell differentiation
  • cell surface
  • chemoattractant activity
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • cornified envelope
  • cytoplasm
  • cytosol
  • disaccharide binding
  • eosinophil chemotaxis
  • external side of plasma membrane
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix organization
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell projection
  • immunological synapse
  • innate immune response
  • killing of cells of another organism
  • laminin binding
  • mRNA processing
  • macrophage chemotaxis
  • mitochondrial inner membrane
  • molecular condensate scaffold activity
  • monocyte chemotaxis
  • mononuclear cell migration
  • monosaccharide binding
  • negative regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell
  • negative regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway
  • negative regulation of apoptotic process
  • negative regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow
  • negative regulation of endocytosis
  • negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
  • negative regulation of immunological synapse formation
  • neutrophil chemotaxis
  • nucleoplasm
  • nucleus
  • oligosaccharide binding
  • positive chemotaxis
  • positive regulation of angiogenesis
  • positive regulation of calcium ion import
  • positive regulation of cell population proliferation
  • positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration
  • positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly
  • positive regulation of serotonin secretion
  • protein phosphatase binding
  • regulation of T cell apoptotic process
  • regulation of T cell proliferation
  • regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors
  • skeletal system development
  • spliceosomal complex
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001533
  • GO:0001772
  • GO:0002548
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005634
  • GO:0005654
  • GO:0005681
  • GO:0005737
  • GO:0005743
  • GO:0005829
  • GO:0006397
  • GO:0008284
  • GO:0008380
  • GO:0009897
  • GO:0009986
  • GO:0014064
  • GO:0019863
  • GO:0019903
  • GO:0030154
  • GO:0030198
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030593
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0031334
  • GO:0031640
  • GO:0034988
  • GO:0042056
  • GO:0042129
  • GO:0043066
  • GO:0043236
  • GO:0045087
  • GO:0045766
  • GO:0045806
  • GO:0048029
  • GO:0048030
  • GO:0048245
  • GO:0048246
  • GO:0050785
  • GO:0050860
  • GO:0050918
  • GO:0061844
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0070232
  • GO:0070492
  • GO:0071674
  • GO:0071677
  • GO:0090280
  • GO:0097386
  • GO:0140693
  • GO:1902041
  • GO:1903078
  • GO:1903769
  • GO:2000521
  • GO:2001189
  • GO:2001237
  • Fc-gamma receptor I complex binding
  • IgE binding
  • RNA splicing
  • advanced glycation end-product receptor activity
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell surface
  • chemoattractant activity
  • cornified envelope
  • cytoplasm
  • disaccharide binding
  • eosinophil chemotaxis
  • epithelial cell differentiation
  • external side of plasma membrane
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix organization
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell projection
  • immunological synapse
  • innate immune response
  • laminin binding
  • mRNA processing
  • macrophage chemotaxis
  • mitochondrial inner membrane
  • molecular condensate scaffold activity
  • monocyte chemotaxis
  • mononuclear cell migration
  • monosaccharide binding
  • negative regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell
  • negative regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway
  • negative regulation of apoptotic process
  • negative regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow
  • negative regulation of endocytosis
  • negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
  • negative regulation of immunological synapse formation
  • neutrophil chemotaxis
  • nucleus
  • plasma membrane
  • positive chemotaxis
  • positive regulation of angiogenesis
  • positive regulation of calcium ion import
  • positive regulation of cell population proliferation
  • positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration
  • positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane
  • positive regulation of protein-containing complex assembly
  • positive regulation of serotonin secretion
  • protein phosphatase binding
  • regulation of T cell apoptotic process
  • regulation of T cell proliferation
  • regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors
  • response to quercetin
  • skeletal system development
  • spliceosomal complex
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001533
  • GO:0001772
  • GO:0002548
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005634
  • GO:0005681
  • GO:0005737
  • GO:0005743
  • GO:0005886
  • GO:0006397
  • GO:0008284
  • GO:0008380
  • GO:0009897
  • GO:0009986
  • GO:0014064
  • GO:0019863
  • GO:0019903
  • GO:0030198
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0030593
  • GO:0030855
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0031334
  • GO:0034988
  • GO:0042056
  • GO:0042129
  • GO:0043066
  • GO:0043236
  • GO:0045087
  • GO:0045766
  • GO:0045806
  • GO:0048029
  • GO:0048030
  • GO:0048245
  • GO:0048246
  • GO:0050785
  • GO:0050860
  • GO:0050918
  • GO:0070232
  • GO:0071674
  • GO:0071677
  • GO:0090280
  • GO:0097386
  • GO:0140693
  • GO:1902041
  • GO:1903078
  • GO:1903769
  • GO:1905235
  • GO:2000521
  • GO:2001189
  • GO:2001237
Versican core protein
  • Golgi lumen
  • calcium ion binding
  • carbohydrate binding
  • cell adhesion
  • cell recognition
  • central nervous system development
  • collagen-containing extracellular matrix
  • endoplasmic reticulum lumen
  • extracellular matrix
  • extracellular matrix structural constituent conferring compression resistance
  • extracellular region
  • extracellular space
  • glial cell differentiation
  • glial cell migration
  • glycosaminoglycan binding
  • hyaluronic acid binding
  • interphotoreceptor matrix
  • lysosomal lumen
  • membrane
  • osteoblast differentiation
  • perineuronal net
  • photoreceptor outer segment
  • positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation
  • skeletal system development
  • synapse
  • GO:0001501
  • GO:0001649
  • GO:0001750
  • GO:0002052
  • GO:0005509
  • GO:0005539
  • GO:0005540
  • GO:0005576
  • GO:0005615
  • GO:0005788
  • GO:0005796
  • GO:0007155
  • GO:0007417
  • GO:0008037
  • GO:0008347
  • GO:0010001
  • GO:0016020
  • GO:0030021
  • GO:0030246
  • GO:0031012
  • GO:0033165
  • GO:0043202
  • GO:0045202
  • GO:0062023
  • GO:0072534
Displaying entries 271 - 280 of 2433 in total

International Collaboration

GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01