Gene ID ▲ | Gene Name | Gene Symbol | Disease Ontology |
104521589 | contactin 2 |
104521592 | sterol O-acyltransferase 1 |
104521610 | catechol-O-methyltransferase |
104521623 | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 1 |
104521626 | matrix metallopeptidase 17 |
104521683 | heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 6 |
104521688 | myotubularin related protein 1 |
104521705 | bifunctional heparan sulfate N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 3 |
104521717 | aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family member |
104521722 | RFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase |
104521723 | glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase 1 |
104521745 | phospholipase A2 group IVA |
104521752 | ALG3 alpha-1,3- mannosyltransferase |
104521760 | beta-1,4-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase |
104521788 | malonyl-CoA decarboxylase |
104521817 | 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 2 |
104521825 | glycosylphosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase D1 |
104521856 | annexin A5 |
104521858 | arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase |
104521863 | CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 2 |
104521872 | heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 3B1 |
104521907 | attractin |
104521930 | UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 5 |
104521934 | structural maintenance of chromosomes 3 |
104521937 | decorin |
GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.
Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204
Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1
Last updated: February 17, 2025