HS-GAG degradation
- Gpc2
- Gpc5a
- Gpc6a
- SDC4
- cb440
- chunp6920
- fc47a08
- fe05f10
- gal3st4
- gpc1
- gpc2
- gpc3
- gpc4
- gpc4/6
- gpc5
- gpc5a
- gpc6
- gpc6a
- gpc6l
- hpse
- ids
- im:6970974
- im:7144134
- kny
- knypek
- sdc2
- sdc4
- sdc4l
- si:ch1073-86a3.1
- wu:fc47a08
- wu:fc47g09
- wu:fe05f10
- zgc:103676
- zgc:158245
- zgc:194854
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Release of Hh-Np from the secreting cell
- Gpc5a
- disp2
- gpc5
- gpc5a
- hha
- ihh
- ihha
- notum1a
- scube2
- shh
- shha
- shhb
- twhh
- vhh1
- you
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Synthesis of PA
- Gpd1
- acp6
- agpat2
- agpat3
- agpat4
- agpat6
- agpat8
- agpat9
- alp3
- alpi
- alpi.1
- alpi.2
- aytl2
- cpla2
- fam73a
- fam73b
- fb68b10
- fc21c07
- fd13g09
- fj78c06
- gpat2
- gpat3
- gpat4
- gpd1b
- gpd1h
- gpd1l
- im:7147584
- im:7149526
- im:7149588
- lclat1
- liph
- lpcat1
- lycat
- miga1
- miga2
- pla2g10
- pla2g12a
- pla2g4
- pla2g4a
- pld6
- si:ch211-262h13.1
- si:ch211-262h13.2
- wu:fa16h03
- wu:fa95f04
- wu:fb68b10
- wu:fc21c07
- wu:fc25a07
- wu:fc58b05
- wu:fd13g09
- wu:fi89e03
- wu:fj78c06
- wu:fq33b10
- zgc:110409
- zgc:110794
- zgc:136875
- zgc:153984
- zgc:162119
- zgc:162485
- zgc:56524
- zgc:63605
- zgc:66051
- zgc:85742
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Heme signaling
- HBA2r
- LOC100334599
- OTTDARP00000001843
- OTTDARP00000001846
- OTTDARP00000002003
- SI:dZ118J2.10
- SI:dZ118J2.8
- ba1
- ba1l
- dZ118J2.6
- hba2
- hbae1
- hbae1.1
- hbae1.2
- hbae1.3
- hbba2
- hbbe2
- hbbe3
- pcft
- pgrmc2
- si:by119c3.1
- si:by119c3.3
- si:xx-119c3.3
- slc46a1
- wu:fa12a11
- wu:fb25g12
- wu:fb74f06
- wu:fd12f11
- zgc:110736
- zgc:56692
- zgc:86936
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins
- IAP1
- bcap31
- birc2
- birc3
- casp10
- casp3
- casp3a
- casp6
- casp6a
- casp7
- casp8l2
- fb09d10
- fnta
- fv43b11
- im:6909421
- mst4
- prkcd
- prkcda
- satb1a
- sb:cb955
- si:bz30i22.4
- si:ch211-195k18.2
- si:rp71-30i22.4
- stk24a
- stk26
- wu:fb09d10
- wu:fb51d12
- wu:fv43b11
- wu:fz92f09
- zgc:100890
- zgc:110595
- zgc:112960
- zgc:158397
- zgc:163071
- zgc:175288
- zgc:56389
- zgc:56558
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Synthesis, secretion, and deacylation of Ghrelin
- IGF-1
- IGF-1L
- IGF-1a
- fa97f07
- gh1
- ghl
- ghr
- ghre
- ghrl
- goat
- igf1
- ins
- lepb
- mboat4
- ob-b
- pcsk1
- sec11
- sec11a
- sec11l1
- si:dkey-21o22.1
- spcs1
- spcs2
- spcs3
- wu:fa97f07
- zgc:110014
- zgc:85675
- zgc:92805
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Other interleukin signaling
- IL-34
- csf1-2
- csf1b
- csf1r
- fc21b12
- fms
- il34
- im:7039434
- si:ch211-239j19.3
- si:dkey-220f10.3
- stx4
- txlna
- wu:fc08c10
- wu:fc21b12
- zgc:158436
- zgc:56272
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Antimicrobial peptides
- LOC793075
- im:7150573
- intl2
- intl3
- itln1
- itln2
- itln3
- leap2
- lys-C
- lyz
- nkl.4
- nkld
- pglyrp2
- pglyrp5
- pgrp-l
- rnasel2
- rnasel3
- rnasel4
- si:ch211-139g14.6
- si:ch211-194p6.4
- si:ch211-202c21.3
- si:dkey-113g17.4
- si:rp71-40n14.1
- wu:fj22b05
- zgc:136734
- zgc:153267
- zgc:194626
- zgc:194647
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Signaling by SCF-KIT
- Stat5
- fb18e12
- fj05a08
- fj21h04
- fj59e07
- fynb
- grap
- grap2a
- grapa
- grb10
- grb10a
- grb2
- grb2a
- grb2b
- hrasb
- hrasl
- jak2
- jak2b
- kit
- kita
- kitla
- kitlga
- lck
- mmp9
- nras
- pik3ca
- pik3r1
- pik3r2
- pik3r3a
- ptpru
- rptppsi
- sb:eu508
- sb:eu615
- sos1
- sparse
- src
- stat1
- stat1a
- stat5
- stat5.1
- stat5.2
- stat5a
- stat5b
- stat6
- stat7
- tec
- wu:fb02g06
- wu:fb07b05
- wu:fb16a12
- wu:fb18e12
- wu:fb34e06
- wu:fb65b05
- wu:fi98c09
- wu:fj05a08
- wu:fj21h04
- wu:fj59e07
- wu:fj66g07
- wu:fk56b03
- yes
- yes1
- zgc:103549
- zgc:110202
- zgc:110734
- zgc:112091
- zgc:136695
- zgc:158274
- zgc:64165
- zgc:73077
- zgc:73230
- zgc:91987
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)
- ai39657
- arhgef18
- arhgef18a
- asip
- bazooka
- cb537
- cgn
- f11r
- f11r.1
- hm:zeh0386
- ik:tdsubc_1f2
- par-3
- par3
- pard3
- pard3ab
- pard6a
- pard6alpha
- rhoac
- rps27a
- si:ch73-186j5.3
- smurf1
- tdsubc_1f2
- tgfb1
- tgfb1a
- tgfbr1b
- tgfbr2
- tgfbr2b
- uba52
- wu:fa91f08
- wu:fb13a07
- wu:fb30b12
- wu:fc07c05
- wu:fc21e04
- wu:fj05c10
- wu:fj05f11
- wwp1
- xx:ai39657
- xx:tdsubc_1f2
- zgc:103642
- zgc:110498
- zgc:123344
- zgc:66168
- zgc:66401
- zgc:85686
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Phase 4 - resting membrane potential
- KCNK18
- im:7150627
- kcnj12b
- kcnj14
- kcnj2
- kcnj2a
- kcnk1
- kcnk10a
- kcnk13a
- kcnk18
- kcnk1a
- kcnk2b
- kcnk5a
- si:ch211-120k19.4
- si:dkey-121j17.4
- si:dkey-63b1.2
- trek-1
- zgc:123268
- zgc:123271
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Sema4D mediated inhibition of cell attachment and migration
- LOC100004299
- arhgap35a
- c-met
- cmet
- fb23a02
- met
- plxnb1b
- rhoac
- rnd1a
- rnd1b
- rnd1l
- rras
- wu:fb23a02
- wu:fj98h09
- wu:fk50c04
- zgc:153089
- zgc:92588
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
PTK6 Regulates RHO GTPases, RAS GTPase and MAP kinases
- LOC100004299
- arhgap35a
- crk
- dock1
- fb34h10
- fc05a01
- fi19g05
- hrasb
- hrasl
- nras
- ptk6b
- pxn
- pxna
- rac1
- rac1a
- rasa1b
- rhoac
- wu:fb34h10
- wu:fc05a01
- wu:fc54a04
- wu:fd16e02
- wu:fi19g05
- wu:fw71f12
- zgc:100936
- zgc:110734
- zgc:153964
- zgc:55823
- zgc:55917
- zgc:86934
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
GP1b-IX-V activation signalling
- LOC100004428
- gp1bb
- hm:zehn0976
- lrcc54
- nyx
- pik3r1
- si:ch1073-474e24.1
- si:dkey-285c2.8
- src
- tsk
- tsku
- vasn
- vasnb
- vwf
- wu:fb33b01
- wu:fb65b05
- ywhabl
- zgc:73065
- zgc:77351
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Platelet Adhesion to exposed collagen
- LOC100004428
- gp1bb
- lrcc54
- nyx
- si:ch1073-474e24.1
- si:dkey-285c2.8
- tsk
- tsku
- vasn
- vasnb
- vwf
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
NoRC negatively regulates rRNA expression
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- MBD3
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- mbd1
- mbd1b
- mbd2
- mbd3a
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- wu:fa97f06
- wu:fa98f07
- wu:fi45g12
- zK13A21.11
- zK13A21.17
- zgc:111862
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Activated PKN1 stimulates transcription of AR (androgen receptor) regulated genes KLK2 and KLK3
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- NR3C4
- ar
- grip1
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- jmjd2c
- kdm4c
- ncoa2
- pkn1b
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- src2
- tif2
- wu:fd55d07
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
MLL4 and MLL3 complexes regulate expression of PPARG target genes in adipogenesis and hepatic steatosis
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- PPAR[g]
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- nr2b1a
- pparg
- rxraa
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Condensation of Prophase Chromosomes
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- SMC2L1
- cb267
- cb525
- cb636
- ccnb
- ccnb1
- cdc2
- cdk1
- cycb
- cycb1
- fb92e05
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- id:ibd2253
- ik:tdsubc_2d1
- im:6896397
- kmt5aa
- ncapd3
- ncapg2
- ncaph2
- phf8
- plk
- plk1
- rb1
- set8a
- setd8
- setd8a
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- smc2
- wu:fa19g04
- wu:fb16d01
- wu:fb16e07
- wu:fb37g11
- wu:fb76g03
- wu:fb92e05
- wu:fc30e01
- wu:fi21c01
- xx:tdsubc_2d1
- zeh1628
- zgc:112234
- zgc:154147
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:55326
- zgc:55549
- zgc:56685
- zgc:92032
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
PRC2 methylates histones and DNA
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- aebp2
- cb633
- dnmt3b
- dnmt3bb.1
- dnmt4
- eed
- ezh2
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- jarid2b
- jmj
- mtf2
- rbb4
- rbb4l
- rbbp4
- rbbp7
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- suz12
- suz12b
- wu:cegs2813
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:136399
- zgc:152758
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Regulation of endogenous retroelements by the Human Silencing Hub (HUSH) complex
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- ankrd46
- ankrd46a
- atf7ip
- fa19f10
- fam208ab
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- im:6911946
- mcaf1
- morc2
- setdb1b
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- tasorb
- wu:fa19f10
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
- zgc:92010
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Regulation of endogenous retroelements by KRAB-ZFP proteins
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- atf7ip
- drl-L3
- drl.3
- drll.3
- fb44h04
- fi06b05
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- hm:zehn1068
- im:6896397
- mcaf1
- setdb1b
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch211-119o8.6
- si:ch73-266f23.4
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-20i20.5
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- si:dkey-253d23.2
- si:dkey-253d23.6
- si:dkey-261j4.5
- si:dkeyp-113d7.1
- wu:fb44h04
- wu:fd19e01
- wu:fi06b05
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113102
- zgc:113377
- zgc:113984
- zgc:153976
- zgc:165555
- zgc:171220
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
- znf362
- znf362a
- znf983
- znf990
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Estrogen-dependent gene expression
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- carm1
- cited1
- erbb4
- erbb4a
- esr
- esr1
- fc15h02
- fi05d05
- fj36b10
- fkd7
- forkhead-7
- foxa1
- gata3
- gb:dq017620
- gro1
- groucho1
- gta3
- gtf2a1
- gtf2a2
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- jmjd2b
- kat2b
- kat5a
- kdm4b
- nr3a1
- nrip1a
- pg
- pgr
- pr
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch211-124a3.4
- si:ch211-227n20.1
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- tbp
- tf2a
- tle3b
- wu:fc15h02
- wu:fi05d05
- wu:fj36b10
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:55847
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
RUNX1 regulates genes involved in megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet function
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- fj63d08
- h2af1al
- h2afvb
- h2afvl
- h2afx1
- h2afza
- h2av
- h2ax1
- h2az2a
- h2az2b
- h3-5
- h3f3a
- h3f3b.1
- h3f3c
- h3f3d
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- im:6896397
- prmt6
- runx1
- runxa
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- si:dkey-6n6.6
- sin3aa
- sin3b
- wu:fj63d08
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)
HDACs deacetylate histones
- LOC100150038
- LOC100329358
- LOC100331412
- LOC100332229
- LOC103908680
- LOC108181627
- LOC562770
- LOC570661
- LOC794549
- h2af1al
- h2afx1
- h2ax1
- hdac10
- hdac8
- hist1h4l
- hist2h2l
- si:ch211-113a14.17
- si:ch211-113a14.22
- si:ch211-113a14.29
- si:ch211-113a14.6
- si:ch73-36p18.4
- si:dkey-108k21.12
- si:dkey-108k21.18
- si:dkey-108k21.28
- si:dkey-23a13.7
- zgc:112234
- zgc:113984
- zgc:165555
- zgc:173585
- zgc:173587
- zgc:194998
- zgc:56685
Danio rerio (zebrafish)