PlantGARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry) is a portal site that curates genome and marker information of various plant species. This is a list of the glycogenes computationally extracted from all plant genomes in PlantGARDEN.

Source Last Updated
Plant Garden May 28, 2020
Displaying entries 8826 - 8850 of 13708 in total
Species Protein Name dbCAN ID KEGG KO ▼ UniProt ID KEGG Gene Gene ID
Arabidopsis thaliana Pectate lyase CAC01830.1 K01728 Q9LFP5 ath:AT5G15110 831363
Arabidopsis thaliana Pectate lyase AAK92730.1 K01728 Q93WF1 ath:AT5G48900 834948
Arabidopsis thaliana Pectate lyase BAB09239.1 K01728 Q9FM66 ath:AT5G55720 835666
Arabidopsis thaliana Pectate lyase AAL25610.1 K01728 Q93Z25 ath:AT5G63180 836439
Chenopodium quinoa Pectate lyase AAQ62997.1 K01728 A0A0A0LCU3 csv:101202789 101202789
Chenopodium quinoa Pectate lyase BAT74568.1 K01728 M1D6K0 sot:102590126 102590126
Acer yangbiense Pectate lyase BBH00478.1 K01728 V4UDU6 cic:CICLE_v10015474mg 18053419
Acer yangbiense Pectate lyase BBH07750.1 K01728 A0A067E572 cit:102609541 102609541
Acer yangbiense Pectate lyase CAN75298.1 K01728 A0A067JRA4 jcu:105644424 105644424
Brachypodium distachyon Pectate lyase ACF87417.1 K01728 A0A0Q3F750 bdi:100836039 100836039
Brachypodium distachyon Pectate lyase BAB89755.1 K01728 I1HT63 bdi:100846807 100846807
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDD54396.1 K01728 A0A397Y832 brp:103833411 103833411
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDC65684.1 K01728 A0A078I768 bna:106351296 106351296
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDC65684.1 K01728 A0A078HPI4 bna:106399968 106399968
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDC92312.1 K01728 A0A078HAS2 bna:106403184 106403184
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase CAV28161.1 K01728 A0A0D3ALV6 boe:106325607 106325607
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDD19358.1 K01728 A0A0D3AJ55 boe:106325780 106325780
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase NP_196051.2 K01728 A0A0D3AZN9 boe:106329526 106329526
Brassica juncea Pectate lyase VDD57392.1 K01728 A0A0D3DT66 boe:106312405 106312405
Brassica nigra Pectate lyase VDD34675.1 K01728 A0A0D3EHY4 boe:106316056 106316056
Brassica nigra Pectate lyase VDC65684.1 K01728 A0A078HPI4 bna:106399968 106399968
Brassica nigra Pectate lyase VDC92312.1 K01728 A0A078HAS2 bna:106403184 106403184
Brassica oleracea Pectate lyase VDC91882.1 K01728 A0A0D3AW72 boe:106324966 106324966
Brassica nigra Pectate lyase CAV28161.1 K01728 A0A0D3ALV6 boe:106325607 106325607
Brassica oleracea Pectate lyase VDD21363.1 K01728 A0A0D3ALV6 boe:106325607 106325607

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025