PlantGARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry) is a portal site that curates genome and marker information of various plant species. This is a list of the glycogenes computationally extracted from all plant genomes in PlantGARDEN.

Source Last Updated
Plant Garden May 28, 2020
Displaying entries 8901 - 8925 of 13708 in total
Species Protein Name ▼ dbCAN ID KEGG KO UniProt ID KEGG Gene Gene ID
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH10406.1 K18819 M5W1K1 pper:18766369 18766369
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase AGT50335.1 K18819 B9HX67 pop:7468122 7468122
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase ABK93731.1 K18819 A9PBH8 pop:7492393 7492393
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH10009.1 K13648 M5VZF3 pper:18768307 18768307
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH04039.1 K13648 M5WBI9 pper:18776550 18776550
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase AAG21603.1 K20855 U5FEW0 pop:18108398 18108398
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase BBG99751.1 K20867 B9IA47 pop:7466295 7466295
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase CAN67083.1 K20867 B9IA47 pop:7466295 7466295
Populus trichocarpa Hexosyltransferase AVX32559.1 K20867 B9I087 pop:7470925 7470925
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BAT81956.1 K20890 M5VIJ3 pper:18768920 18768920
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH06765.1 K22809 M5WHG4 pper:18775299 18775299
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH03552.1 K20856 M5WAR6 pper:18776071 18776071
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBH06460.1 K18819 M5W004 pper:18775384 18775384
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BBG94067.1 K18819 M5XC49 pper:18789982 18789982
Quercus lobata Hexosyltransferase ABD96904.1 K13648 A0A2I4EBY8 jre:108988198 108988198
Quercus lobata Hexosyltransferase BAT82335.1 K20854 A0A2I4ES32 jre:108992198 108992198
Prunus dulcis Hexosyltransferase BAT81956.1 K20890 M5VIR1 pper:18768634 18768634
Setaria italica Hexosyltransferase BAF08813.1 K13648 K3YRH3 sita:101765711 101765711
Setaria italica Hexosyltransferase ACG34259.1 K20855 K3YSZ6 sita:101763954 101763954
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDD32061.1 K20867 V4LT21 eus:EUTSA_v10013202mg 18017045
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDC69350.1 K18819 A0A078HIV2 bna:106396142 106396142
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDC59767.1 K18819 A0A078IAN5 bna:106429112 106429112
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDD08129.1 K20890 A0A078H5Q7 bna:106345687 106345687
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDC59933.1 K20890 A0A078HT57 bna:106433772 106433772
Raphanus sativus Hexosyltransferase VDC83549.1 K20855 A0A078I703 bna:106440902 106440902

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025