PlantGARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry) is a portal site that curates genome and marker information of various plant species. This is a list of the glycogenes computationally extracted from all plant genomes in PlantGARDEN.

Source Last Updated
Plant Garden May 28, 2020
Displaying entries 13351 - 13375 of 13708 in total
Species Protein Name dbCAN ID KEGG KO ▼ UniProt ID KEGG Gene Gene ID
Vigna angularis Sucrose synthase BAU02606.1 K00695 A0A0L9VI49 var:108343673 108343673
Glycine max Sucrose synthase BAU02606.1 K00695 I1MQL2 gmx:100783965 100783965
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Sucrose synthase QCD98251.1 K00695 A0A059AX20 egr:104456736 104456736
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Sucrose synthase QCD98251.1 K00695 A0A1S2XV16 cam:101490898 101490898
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Sucrose synthase AFP23359.1 K00695 A0A1S2XV16 cam:101490898 101490898
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase BAT80008.1 K00695 A0A0L9UBS5 var:108331593 108331593
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase AAC39323.1 K00695 A0A1J7HER8 lang:109362433 109362433
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase AEF56625.1 K00695 A0A1J7IVN4 lang:109347960 109347960
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase BAT86284.1 K00695 A0A1S2XV16 cam:101490898 101490898
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase QCE13611.1 K00695 A0A1S3EGD4 cam:101509229 101509229
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase BAT80008.1 K00695 A0A1S3EGD4 cam:101509229 101509229
Lupinus albus Sucrose synthase QCE13611.1 K00695 A0A0L9UBS5 var:108331593 108331593
Lagenaria siceraria Sucrose synthase AGA95977.1 K00695 S4TGT8 csv:101203847 101203847
Lagenaria siceraria Sucrose synthase AGA95976.1 K00695 A0A1S3CIJ9 cmo:103501373 103501373
Linum usitatissimum Sucrose synthase AGM14947.1 K00695 A0A067JWD1 jcu:105642561 105642561
Cucumis melo Sucrose synthase AGA95977.1 K00695 A0A1S3BYB6 cmo:103494755 103494755
Cucumis melo Sucrose synthase AGA95976.1 K00695 A0A1S3CIJ9 cmo:103501373 103501373
Nicotiana attenuata Sucrose synthase AJO70150.1 K00695 A0A1U7YF07 nsy:104243818 104243818
Lupinus angustifolius Sucrose synthase AAC39323.1 K00695 A0A1J7HER8 lang:109362433 109362433
Lupinus angustifolius Sucrose synthase BAT86284.1 K00695 A0A1S2XV16 cam:101490898 101490898
Prunus persica Sucrose synthase AHZ90142.1 K00695 M5WCU1 pper:18777229 18777229
Lupinus angustifolius Sucrose synthase AEF56625.1 K00695 A0A1J7IVN4 lang:109347960 109347960
Prunus avium Sucrose synthase AHZ90142.1 K00695 M5WCU1 pper:18777229 18777229
Prunus avium Sucrose synthase APR63891.1 K00695 M5WU88 pper:18781998 18781998
Cenchrus americanus Sucrose synthase AIO11846.1 K00695 K4A5Y9 sita:101784175 101784175

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Last updated: February 17, 2025