PlantGARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry) is a portal site that curates genome and marker information of various plant species. This is a list of the glycogenes computationally extracted from all plant genomes in PlantGARDEN.

Source Last Updated
Plant Garden May 28, 2020
Displaying entries 13601 - 13625 of 13708 in total
Species Protein Name dbCAN ID KEGG KO UniProt ID KEGG Gene Gene ID ▲
Lupinus angustifolius hydroxyproline O-arabinosyltransferase 3-like BAP90379.1 K20782 A0A1J7HUR1 lang:109355058 109355058
Lupinus albus probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase BAT89972.1 K16055 A0A1J7HZJ2 lang:109355152 109355152
Lupinus angustifolius probable alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase BAT89972.1 K16055 A0A1J7HZJ2 lang:109355152 109355152
Lupinus albus Hexosyltransferase BAT90295.1 K20855 A0A1J7GZA4 lang:109355220 109355220
Lupinus angustifolius Hexosyltransferase BAT90295.1 K20855 A0A1J7GZA4 lang:109355220 109355220
Lupinus albus Starch synthase, chloroplastic/amyloplastic ACB30385.1 K13679 A0A1J7GW06 lang:109355844 109355844
Lupinus angustifolius Starch synthase, chloroplastic/amyloplastic ACB30385.1 K13679 A0A1J7GW06 lang:109355844 109355844
Lupinus albus Pectinesterase ACU18534.1 K01051 A0A1J7HVU6 lang:109355890 109355890
Lupinus angustifolius Pectinesterase CAW41294.1 K01051 A0A1J7HVU6 lang:109355890 109355890
Lupinus albus polygalacturonase-like BAT96369.1 K01184 A0A1J7HS40 lang:109356423 109356423
Lupinus angustifolius polygalacturonase-like BAT85270.1 K01184 A0A1J7HS40 lang:109356423 109356423
Lupinus albus uncharacterized protein At1g04910-like BAG93245.1 K23280 A0A1J7HE30 lang:109356442 109356442
Lupinus albus uncharacterized protein At1g04910-like QCD90190.1 K23280 A0A1J7HE30 lang:109356442 109356442
Lupinus angustifolius uncharacterized protein At1g04910-like QCD90190.1 K23280 A0A1J7HE30 lang:109356442 109356442
Lupinus albus Beta-hexosaminidase AFK39607.1 K12373 A0A1J7HGE3 lang:109356492 109356492
Lupinus albus Beta-hexosaminidase QCE12851.1 K12373 A0A1J7HGE3 lang:109356492 109356492
Lupinus angustifolius Beta-hexosaminidase AFK39607.1 K12373 A0A1J7HGE3 lang:109356492 109356492
Lupinus albus Glycosyltransferase BBB16128.1 K08237 A0A1J7GVP0 lang:109356699 109356699
Lupinus angustifolius Glycosyltransferase BBB16128.1 K08237 A0A1J7GVP0 lang:109356699 109356699
Lupinus albus Glycoside hydrolase family 1 CAW48547.1 K01188 A0A1J7HEL8 lang:109356901 109356901
Lupinus angustifolius Glycoside hydrolase family 1 CAW48547.1 K01188 A0A1J7HEL8 lang:109356901 109356901
Lupinus albus Reversibly glycosylated polypeptide QCD90139.1 K13379 A0A1J7GVW3 lang:109357154 109357154
Lupinus angustifolius Reversibly glycosylated polypeptide QCD90139.1 K13379 A0A1J7GVW3 lang:109357154 109357154
Lupinus albus alpha-1,3/1,6-mannosyltransferase ALG2 ACU21459.1 K03843 A0A1J7GXG7 lang:109357267 109357267
Lupinus angustifolius alpha-1,3/1,6-mannosyltransferase ALG2 BAT92651.1 K03843 A0A1J7GXG7 lang:109357267 109357267

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GlyCosmos is a member of the GlySpace Alliance together with GlyGen and Glycomics@ExPASy.


Supported by JST NBDC Grant Number JPMJND2204

Partly supported by NIH Common Fund Grant #1U01GM125267-01

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GlyCosmos Portal v4.1.1

Last updated: February 17, 2025