Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids
- Alox5
- Alox5ap
- Flap
- Ltc4s
- Pon
- Pon1
- Pon2
- Pon3
Biosynthesis of protectins
- Alox12l
- Alox15
- Cyp1a-1
- Cyp1a-2
- Cyp1a1
- Cyp1a2
- Lta4h
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives
- Alox12l
- Alox15
- Alox15b
- Cox-2
- Cox2
- Gpx1
- Gpx2
- Gpx4
- Ptgs2
Biosynthesis of DHA-derived SPMs
- Alox12
- Alox12l
- Alox15
- Cox-2
- Cox2
- Ptgs2
MDK and PTN in ALK signaling
- Alk
- Mdk
- Ptn
- Ptprz
- Ptprz1
- Ptpz
Signaling by ALK
- Alk
- Alkal1
- Alkal2
- Fam150a
- Irs-1
- Irs1
- Jak3
- LOC100910984
- Mdk
- Pik3ca
- Pik3cb
- Pik3r1
- Pik3r2
- Plcg1
- Ptn
- Ptph6
- Ptpn6
- Shc1
- Stat3
Biosynthesis of the N-glycan precursor (dolichol lipid-linked oligosaccharide, LLO) and transfer to a nascent protein
- Alg1
- Alg12
- Alg13
- Alg14
- Alg2
- Alg3
- Alg6
- Alg8
- Alg9
- Dpagt1
- Mpdu1
Synthesis of IP2, IP, and Ins in the cytosol
- Aldrl6
- Imp
- Impa1
- Impa2
- Ino1
- Inpp1
- Inpp4a
- Inpp4b
- Inpp5a
- Inpp5b
- Inpp5j
- Isyna1
- Ksp32
- Miox
- Ocrl
- Pib5pa
- Pipp
- Rsor
- Synj1
- Aldoa
- Aldob
- Aldoc
- ENSRNOG00000066746
- Eno-2
- Eno-3
- Eno2
- Eno3
- Eno4
- Fbp
- Fbp1
- Fbp2
- G6pc
- G6pc1
- G6pc3
- G6pt
- Gapd
- Gapd-s
- Gapdh
- Gapdhs
- Gapds
- Gpi
- Pc
- Pck1
- Pck2
- Pgam1
- Pgam2
- Pgk-1
- Pgk1
- Pgk2
- RGD1563601
- Slc37a1
- Slc37a2
- Slc37a4
- Tpi1
- Tpi1l2
RND1 GTPase cycle
- Aldh3a2
- Aldh4
- Ankrd26
- Arhgap35
- Arhgap5
- Arms
- Cav
- Cav1
- Ccdc88a
- Cpd
- Depdc1b
- Dlg5
- Dsp
- Dst
- Epha2
- Epsti1
- Fam135a
- Fam83b
- Flot2
- Frs2
- Frs3
- Grb7
- Grlf1
- Hop
- Kidins220
- Kif14
- Muc13
- P190A
- Pik3r1
- Pik3r2
- Pkp4
- Plekhg5
- Plxna1
- Ptpn13
- RGD1310313
- Rasal2
- Rbm39
- Rbmx
- Rbmxrt
- Reg1
- Rnd1
- Rras2
- Scg10
- Scgn10
- Snt2
- Soc
- Stip1
- Stmn2
- Tech
- Tfrc
- Tmem59
- Trfr
- Trp
- Txnl1
- Ubxd5
- Ubxn11
- Vangl1
- Vangl2
- Wdr6
RND2 GTPase cycle
- Aldh3a2
- Aldh4
- Ankrd26
- Arhgap1
- Arhgap35
- Arhgap5
- Arms
- Bltp3b
- Cav
- Cav1
- Ckap4
- Depdc1b
- Dlg5
- Dsg1
- Dst
- Epha2
- Fam83b
- Fbp17
- Fnbp1
- Frs2
- Frs3
- Golga3
- Grlf1
- Kidins220
- Kif14
- Ktn1
- Muc13
- Nisch
- Nudc
- P190A
- Pik3r1
- Pik3r2
- Pkp4
- Plxnd1
- Prag1
- Pragmin
- Ptpn13
- Rbm39
- Rbmx
- Rbmxrt
- Rnd2
- Scrib
- Snt2
- Soc
- Tfrc
- Tnfaip1
- Trfr
- Trp
- Txnl1
- Ubxd5
- Ubxn11
- Uhrf1bp1l
- Vangl1
- Vangl2
- Wdr6
Metabolism of serotonin
Smooth Muscle Contraction
- Aldh2
- Alpha-tm
- Cald1
- Calm3
- Cam3
- Camc
- Guc1a1
- Guc1b3
- Gucy1a1
- Gucy1a2
- Gucy1a3
- Gucy1b1
- Gucy1b2
- Gucy1b3
- Itga1
- Itgb5
- LOC685883
- Lmod1
- Mrlc2
- Mrlcb
- Myl10
- Myl11
- Myl12b
- Myl6
- Myl7
- Myl9
- Mylc2b
- Mylk
- Mylpf
- Myrl2
- Pak1
- Pak2
- Pde5
- Pde5a
- Pxn
- Rlc-a
- Tln1
- Tpm1
- Tpm2
- Tpm4
- Tpma
- Vcl
Metabolism of folate and pterines
- Aldh1l1
- Aldh1l2
- Dhfr
- Folr2
- Fpgs
- Fthfd
- Hcp1
- Mthfd
- Mthfd1
- Mthfd1l
- Mthfd2
- Mthfd2l
- Mthfr
- Mthfs
- Pcft
- Shmt1
- Shmt2
- Slc19a1
- Slc25a32
- Slc46a1
Glutamate and glutamine metabolism
- Aldh18a1
- Ccbl1
- Ga
- Glns
- Gls
- Gls2
- Glud
- Glud1
- Glul
- Got2
- Kat
- Kyat1
- Maat
- Oat
- Pycr1
- Pycr2
- Pycr3
- Pycrl
- Rimkla
- Rimklb
Fructose catabolism
- Aldh
- Aldh1a1
- Aldob
- Dak
- Glyctk
- Khk
- Tkfc
Choline catabolism
- Ald7a1
- Aldh7a1
- Bhmt
- Cd92
- Cdw92
- Chdh
- Ctl1
- Dmgdh
- Sardh
- Slc44a1
Inhibition of TSC complex formation by PKB
Activation of PKB
- Akt2
- Nipk
- Pdk1
- Pdpk1
- Them4
- Trib3
mTORC1-mediated signalling
- Akt1s1
- ENSRNOG00000066475
- Eef2k
- Eif4e
- Eif4ebp1
- Eif4g1
- Fkbp1
- Fkbp1a
- Frap1
- Gbl
- Lamtor1
- Lamtor3
- Lamtor4
- Lamtor5
- Lst8
- Map2k1ip1
- Mlst8
- Mtor
- Raft1
- Rheb
- Rps6
- Rps6kb1
- Rptor
- RragB
- Rraga
- Rragc
- Rragc_predicted
- Rragd
- Slc38a9
- Ywhab
HSF1-dependent transactivation
- Akt1s1
- Camk2a
- Camk2b
- Camk2d
- Camk2g
- Cryab
- Cryac
- Dnajb1
- Frap1
- Gbl
- Hsbp1
- Hsc70
- Hsc73
- Hsf1
- Hsp22
- Hsp70-1
- Hsp70-2
- Hsp70-3
- Hsp84
- Hsp86
- Hsp90aa1
- Hsp90ab1
- Hspa1
- Hspa1a
- Hspa1b
- Hspa1l
- Hspa2
- Hspa8
- Hspb8
- Hspc3
- Hspca
- Hspcb
- Lst8
- Mlst8
- Mtor
- Raft1
- Rptor
Negative regulation of NOTCH4 signaling
Mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt)
- Akt1
- Dnaja1
- Esr
- Esr1
- Estr
- Foxo3
- Hsf1
- Hsj2
- Hsp70-1
- Hsp70-2
- Hspa1
- Hspa1a
- Hspa1b
- Hspa2
- Nr3a1
- Rdj1
- Sirt3
KSRP (KHSRP) binds and destabilizes mRNA
- Akt1
- Dcp2
- Dis3
- Exosc1
- Exosc2
- Exosc3
- Exosc4
- Exosc5
- Exosc6
- Exosc7
- Exosc8
- Exosc9
- Fubp2
- Khsrp
- LOC103690064
- LOC679140
- Msfs1
- Parn
- Ywhaz
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation
- Akt1
- Calm3
- Cam3
- Camc
- Gch
- Gch1
- Gchfr
- Gfrp
- Hsp86
- Hsp90aa1
- Hspca
- Nos3
- Prkg2
- Pts
- Spr