Trafficking of AMPA receptors
- Akap150
- Akap5
- Cacng2
- Cacng3
- Cacng4
- Cacng8
- Camk2a
- Camk2b
- Camk2d
- Camk2g
- Dlg1
- Dlg4
- Dlgh1
- Dlgh4
- Epb4.1l1
- Epb41l1
- GluA1
- GluA3
- Glur1
- Glur3
- Glur4
- Gria1
- Gria3
- Gria4
- Mdm2
- Myo6
- Psd95
- Stg
Trafficking of GluR2-containing AMPA receptors
- Adtab
- Ap17
- Ap2a1
- Ap2a2
- Ap2b1
- Ap2m1
- Ap2s1
- Clapb1
- Claps2
- Erg1
- GluA1
- GluA2
- GluA3
- Glur1
- Glur2
- Glur3
- Glur4
- Gria1
- Gria2
- Gria3
- Gria4
- Grip1
- Grip2
- Nsf
- Pick1
- Pkca
- Pkcb
- Pkcc
- Pkcg
- Prkca
- Prkcabp
- Prkcb
- Prkcb1
- Prkcc
- Prkcg
- Tspan7
Transcriptional activation of mitochondrial biogenesis
- AC128290.1
- Acss2
- Cycs
- Cycsl2
- Cycsl3
- Gabpa
- Gabpb1
- Glud
- Glud1
- Idh2
- LOC690675
- RGD1562558
- Sirt3
- Sirt4
- Sirt5
- Sod2
Transcriptional and post-translational regulation of MITF-M expression and activity
- Aimp1
- Aimp2
- Akt3
- Cbp
- Crebbp
- Crm1
- Dars
- Dars1
- Drs1
- Eef1e1
- Eprs
- Eprs1
- Erk1
- Erk2
- Gsk3b
- Hint
- Hint1
- Iars1
- Jtv1
- Kars
- Kars1
- Kit
- Kitl
- Kitlg
- Lars
- Lars1
- Mapk
- Mapk1
- Mapk3
- Mapkapk1a
- Mars1
- Mgf
- Mitf
- Pkci1
- Prkm1
- Prkm3
- Qars
- Qars1
- Rars
- Rars1
- Rps6ka1
- Rsk1
- Sirt1
- Sox10
- Tbx3
- Wnt3a
- Xpo1
Transcriptional regulation by small RNAs
- AC109542.1
- Aaas
- Ago1
- Ago2
- ENSRNOG00000062927
- ENSRNOG00000064540
- ENSRNOG00000066901
- ENSRNOG00000068034
- ENSRNOG00000069233
- Eif2c2
- Gp210
- H2ab3
- H2ac10
- H2ac18
- H2ac4
- H2afb3
- H2afx
- H2aj
- H2ax
- H2az2
- H2bc1
- H2bc12l1
- H2bc6
- H2bcl1
- H2bcl2
- H2bu1
- H3-3b
- H3.3b
- H3c13
- H3f3b
- H4c16
- H4c2
- H4f16
- H4ft
- Hist1h2ba
- Hist1h2bg
- Hist1h2bo
- Hist1h2bq
- Hist1h4b
- Hist1h4m
- Hist2h2aa3
- Hist2h3c2
- Hist4
- Hist4h4
- Ipo8
- LOC100365043
- LOC100910200
- LOC120097726
- LOC120097727
- LOC120098305
- LOC683983
- LOC684797
- Mrnp41
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Pcnt1
- Polr2a
- Polr2b
- Polr2c
- Polr2d
- Polr2e
- Polr2f
- Polr2g
- Polr2i
- Polr2j
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ran
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Th2b
- Tmem48
- Tnrc6a
- Tpr
Transcriptional regulation by the AP-2 (TFAP2) family of transcription factors
Transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiation
- Hdac3
- Ncor2
- Nr1c3
- Nr2b1
- Pparg
- Rxra
Transfer of LPS from LBP carrier to CD14
Transferrin endocytosis and recycling
- Aif1
- Atp6ap1
- Atp6b2
- Atp6c
- Atp6ip1
- Atp6l
- Atp6n1
- Atp6s1
- Atp6s14
- Atp6v0a1
- Atp6v0a4
- Atp6v0b
- Atp6v0c
- Atp6v0d1
- Atp6v0d2
- Atp6v0e
- Atp6v0e1
- Atp6v0e2
- Atp6v1a
- Atp6v1b1
- Atp6v1b2
- Atp6v1c1
- Atp6v1c2
- Atp6v1d
- Atp6v1e1
- Atp6v1e2
- Atp6v1f
- Atp6v1g1
- Atp6v1g2
- Atp6v1g3
- Atp6v1h
- Atpl
- Bat1a
- Cdk2ap1-ps2
- Cdk2ap1-ps3
- Cdk2ap1-ps4
- Cdk2ap1-ps5
- Cdk2ap1-ps6
- Dsr1
- E230034O05Rik
- Hfe
- LOC224733l-3
- LOC224733l-4
- LOC224733l-5
- LOC224733l-6
- LOC224733l-7
- LOC224733l-8
- Lst1
- Mcoln1
- RT1-CE12
- RT1-CE3
- RT1-CE5
- RT1-CE6
- RT1-CE8
- RT1-CE9
- Sacm2l-ps3
- Sacm2l-ps4
- Sacm2l-ps5
- Sacm2l-ps6
- Sacm2l-ps7
- Steap3
- Steap4
- Tcirg1
- Tf
- Tfr2
- Tfrc
- Tnf
- Trfr
- Trfr2
- Vat2
- Vatf
- Vpp1
Translation initiation complex formation
- AABR07029195.1
- EIF3S12
- EIF3S5
- Eif1a
- Eif2a
- Eif2g
- Eif2s1
- Eif2s2
- Eif2s3
- Eif2s3x
- Eif3a
- Eif3b
- Eif3c
- Eif3d
- Eif3e
- Eif3f
- Eif3g
- Eif3h
- Eif3i
- Eif3j
- Eif3k
- Eif3l
- Eif3m
- Eif3s1
- Eif3s10
- Eif3s2
- Eif3s3
- Eif3s4
- Eif3s6
- Eif3s7
- Eif3s8
- Eif3s9
- Eif4a1
- Eif4a2
- Eif4e
- Eif4g1
- Eif4h
- Fau
- Fte-1
- Fte1
- Int6
- LOC100361854
- LOC100361933
- Lamr1
- Pabp1
- Pabpc1
- Rig
- Rps10
- Rps11
- Rps12l8
- Rps13
- Rps14
- Rps15
- Rps15a
- Rps16
- Rps17
- Rps18
- Rps19
- Rps2
- Rps20
- Rps21
- Rps23
- Rps24
- Rps25
- Rps26
- Rps26-ps13
- Rps26l2
- Rps26l4
- Rps27
- Rps27a
- Rps27l
- Rps28
- Rps29
- Rps3
- Rps3a
- Rps4
- Rps4x
- Rps4y2
- Rps5
- Rps6
- Rps7
- Rps7-ps23
- Rps8
- Rps9
- Rpsa
- S27-1
- Uba80
- Ubcep1
- Wbscr1
Translocation of ZAP-70 to Immunological synapse
- AABR07044416.1
- Arrb2-ps
- Cd247
- Cd3d
- Cd3e
- Cd3g
- Cd4
- DA1
- Db2
- ENSRNOG00000065769
- ENSRNOG00000065908
- ENSRNOG00000065955
- ENSRNOG00000070909
- H2-Ea
- Hla-dma
- Hla-dmb
- LOC100911800
- Lck
- Psmb9
- Ptpn22
- RT1-Ba
- RT1-Bb
- RT1-DOb
- RT1-Da
- RT1-Db1
- RT1-Db2
- RT1-Ha
- RT1-Hb-ps1
- T3d
- Tap1
- Tap2
- Tesb
- Trbv16
- Zap70
Transport and synthesis of PAPS
- Dtdst
- Papss1
- Papss2
- Sat1
- Slc26a1
- Slc26a2
- Slc35b2
- Slc35b3
Transport of Mature mRNA Derived from an Intronless Transcript
- Aaas
- Alyref
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Cpsf1
- Cpsf2
- Cpsf3
- Cpsf4
- Eif4e
- Fip1l1
- Gp210
- LOC683983
- Mrnp41
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Nxf1
- Pcnt1
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Sympk
- Tap
- Tmem48
- Tpr
Transport of Mature mRNA derived from an Intron-Containing Transcript
- AABR07026797.1
- Aaas
- Alyref
- Bat1
- Bat1a
- Casc3
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Cdc40
- Chtop
- Cl-4
- Ddx39
- Ddx39a
- Ddx39b
- Ddx48
- Ddxl
- Dhx38
- Eif4a3
- Fmip
- Fop
- Fyttd1
- Gle1
- Gle1l
- Gp210
- Hcc1
- Hrs
- LOC683983
- Magoh
- Magohb
- Mln51
- Mrnp41
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Nxf1
- Nxf2
- Nxf5
- Nxf7
- Nxt1
- Pcnt1
- Pdrp
- Poldip3
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Rbm8
- Rbm8a
- Rnps1
- Sarnp
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Sfrs2
- Sfrs5
- Sfrs9
- Slu7
- Srrm1
- Srsf1
- Srsf11
- Srsf2
- Srsf3
- Srsf5
- Srsf7
- Srsf9
- Tap
- Thoc2
- Thoc5
- Thoc6
- Thoc7
- Tmem48
- Tpr
- U2af1
- U2af1l4
- U2af2
- Uap56
- Uif
- Upf3b
- wdr58
Transport of RCbl within the body
- Abcc1
- Arh
- Cd320
- Ldlrap1
- Lrp2
- Mrp1
- Tcn2
Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds
- Cd92
- Cdw92
- Cht1
- Ctl1
- Ctl2
- Ctl3
- Ctl4
- Mate1
- Ng22
- Slc10a6
- Slc14a1
- Slc14a2
- Slc44a1
- Slc44a2
- Slc44a3
- Slc44a4
- Slc44a5
- Slc47a1
- Slc5a7
- Soat
- UT11
- UT3
- Ut2
Transport of fatty acids
- Apod
- Fatp
- Fatp1
- Lcn12
- Lcn9
- Slc27a1
- Slc27a4
- Slc27a6
- Vegp
- Vegp1
- Vegp2
Transport of gamma-carboxylated protein precursors from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus
- Bglap
- Bglap2
- Cf9
- F10
- F2
- F7
- F9
- Gas6
- Proc
- Pros
- Pros1
- Proz
Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides
- Ctns
- Eaac1
- Eaat1
- Eaat2
- Eaat3
- Eaat4
- Glt1
- Slc1a1
- Slc1a2
- Slc1a3
- Slc1a6
- Slc1a7
- Slc25a26
- Slc32a1
- Vgat
- Viaat
Transport of nucleosides and free purine and pyrimidine bases across the plasma membrane
- Aac1
- Ant1
- Ant2
- Arl184
- Arl2
- Arl2bp
- Bart
- Bart1
- Cnt1
- Cnt2
- Cnt3
- Ent1
- Ent2
- Ent3
- Slc25a4
- Slc25a5
- Slc28a1
- Slc28a2
- Slc28a3
- Slc29a1
- Slc29a2
- Slc29a3
- Slc29a4
- Spnt
Transport of organic anions
- Avp
- Bsat1
- Matr1
- Mct8
- Oatp1a4
- Oatp1b2
- Oatp1c1
- Oatp2
- Oatp2b1
- Oatp3a1
- Oatp4a1
- Oatp4c1
- Oatpd
- Oatpe
- Oatpf
- Pgt2
- SLC16A2
- Slc21a10
- Slc21a11
- Slc21a12
- Slc21a14
- Slc21a2
- Slc21a20
- Slc21a5
- Slc21a9
- Slco1a4
- Slco1b2
- Slco1c1
- Slco2a1
- Slco2b1
- Slco3a1
- Slco4a1
- Slco4c1
Transport of the SLBP Dependant Mature mRNA
- Aaas
- Alyref
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Eif4e
- Gp210
- LOC683983
- Mrnp41
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Nxf1
- Pcnt1
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Slbp
- Tap
- Tmem48
- Tpr
Transport of the SLBP independent Mature mRNA
- Aaas
- Alyref
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Eif4e
- Gp210
- LOC683983
- Mrnp41
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Nxf1
- Pcnt1
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Tap
- Tmem48
- Tpr
Transport of vitamins, nucleosides, and related molecules
- Acatn
- Pdzd11
- Slc33a1
- Slc5a6
- Smvt
Tryptophan catabolism
- Aadat
- Ccbl1
- Haao
- Ido
- Ido1
- Ido2
- Indo
- Indol1
- Kat
- Kat2
- Kmo
- Kyat1
- Kynu
- Lat1
- Mpe16
- Slc36a4
- Slc3a2
- Slc7a5
- Ta1
- Tdo
- Tdo2