Nicotinate metabolism
- Bst1
- Cd38
- Mnadk
- Nadk
- Nadk2
- Nadkd1
- Nadsyn1
- Nmnat1
- Nmnat2
- Nmnat3
- Nmrk1
- Nrk1
- Nt5
- Nt5e
- Nte
- Qns1
- Qprt
HDL clearance
- Amn
- Apoa1
- Cubn
- Hbp
- Hdlbp
- Ifcr
- Scarb1
SUMOylation of DNA replication proteins
- Aaas
- Aik2
- Aim1
- Airk2
- Ark2
- Aurkb
- Birc5
- Cdca8
- Gp210
- Incenp
- LOC683983
- Mrnp41
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Pcna
- Pcnt1
- Pias3
- Pias4
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Rangap1
- Smt3a
- Smt3h2
- Stk1
- Stk12
- Stk5
- Sumo1
- Sumo2
- Sumo3
- Tmem48
- Top-2
- Top1
- Top2
- Top2a
- Top2b
- Tpr
- Ubce9
- Ube2i
Vasopressin regulates renal water homeostasis via Aquaporins
- Aqp1
- Aqp2
- Aqp3
- Aqp4
- Avp
- Avpr2
- Chip28
- Gnas
- Gnas1
- Gnb1
- Gnb2
- Gnb3
- Gnb4
- Gnb5
- Gng10-ps1
- Gng11
- Gng12
- Gng3
- Gng4
- Gng5
- Gng5-ps4
- Gng7
- Gng8
- Gng9
- Gngt1
- Gngt11
- Gngt5
- Gngt7
- Gngt9
- Myo5b
- Pkacb
- Prkaca
- Prkacb
- Prkar1a
- Prkar1b
- Prkar2a
- Prkar2b
- Rab11
- Rab11a
- Rab11fip2
HCN channels
Axonal growth inhibition (RHOA activation)
- Arha
- Arha2
- Arhgdia
- Lingo1
- Mag
- Mcf2
- Ngfr
- Nogo
- Omg
- Rhoa
- Rtn4
- Tnfrsf16
Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
- Acs1
- Acs2
- Acs3
- Acs4
- Acs5
- Acsbg1
- Acsbg2
- Acsf3
- Acsl1
- Acsl2
- Acsl3
- Acsl4
- Acsl5
- Acsl6
- Edh17b3
- Elovl1
- Elovl2
- Elovl3
- Elovl5
- Elovl6
- Elovl7
- Face
- Facl2
- Facl3
- Facl4
- Facl5
- Facl6
- Gpsn2
- Grlacs
- Hacd1
- Hacd3
- Hacd4
- Hsd17b12
- Hsd17b3
- LOC100365676
- Lce
- Ssc2
- Tecr
- Tecrl
Clearance of dopamine
Signaling by Hippo
- Amot
- Amotl1
- Amotl2
- Casp3
- Cpp32
- Dvl2
- LOC100361515
- Lats1
- Lats2
- Mob1a
- Mob1b
- Mobk1b
- Mobkl1b
- Mst2
- Nphp4
- Sav1
- Stk3
- Stk4
- Tjp1
- Tjp2
- Ww45
- Wwc1
- Wwtr1
- Yap
- Yap1
- Yap65
- Ywhab
- Ywhae
Formation of annular gap junctions
- Ap2m1
- Clta
- Cltb
- Cltc
- Cxn-43
- Dab2
- Dnm
- Dnm1
- Dnm2
- Doc2
- Dyn2
- Gja1
GABA synthesis, release, reuptake and degradation
- Cplx1
- Dnajc5
- Gad1
- Gad2
- Gad65
- Gad67
- Hsc70
- Hsc73
- Hspa8
- Rab3a
- Rim1
- Rims1
- Sap
- Slc32a1
- Snap
- Snap25
- Stx1a
- Stxbp1
- Syb2
- Syt1
- Unc18a
- Vamp2
- Vgat
- Viaat
Telomere Extension By Telomerase
- Acd
- Ankrd28
- Ccna1
- Ccna2
- Cdk2
- Cdkn2
- Dkc1
- Gar1
- LOC100360065
- Nap57
- Nola1
- Nop10
- Pif1
- Pot1
- Ppp6c
- Ppp6r3
- Ppp6r3-ps1
- Ppv
- Rap1
- Rtel1
- Saps3-ps1
- Shq1
- Tcab1
- Terf2
- Terf2ip
- Tert
- Wdr79
- Wrap53
APC/C:Cdh1 mediated degradation of Cdc20 and other APC/C:Cdh1 targeted proteins in late mitosis/early G1
- Aik
- Aik2
- Aim1
- Airk1
- Airk2
- Anapc1
- Anapc15
- Anapc16
- Anapc2
- Anapc4
- Anapc5
- Anapc7
- Ark1
- Ark2
- Aura
- Aurka
- Aurkb
- Ayk1
- Btak
- Cdc16
- Cdc20
- Cdc23
- Cdc26
- Cdc27
- Fzr1
- Iak1
- LOC100360645
- LOC100360846
- LOC100365869
- LOC100366017
- Lmp10
- Lmp2
- Mecl1
- Mss1
- Plk
- Plk1
- Psma1
- Psma2
- Psma3
- Psma4
- Psma5
- Psma6
- Psma7
- Psma8
- Psmb1
- Psmb10
- Psmb2
- Psmb3
- Psmb4
- Psmb5
- Psmb6
- Psmb6l
- Psmb6l1
- Psmb7
- Psmb8
- Psmb9
- Psmc1
- Psmc2
- Psmc3
- Psmc4
- Psmc5
- Psmc6
- Psmd1
- Psmd10
- Psmd11
- Psmd12
- Psmd13
- Psmd14
- Psmd2
- Psmd3
- Psmd5
- Psmd6
- Psmd7
- Psmd8
- Psmd9
- Psme1
- Psme2
- Psme4
- Psmf1
- Pttg
- Pttg1
- Rb-1
- Rb1
- Ring12
- Rps27a
- Skp2
- Stk1
- Stk12
- Stk15
- Stk5
- Stk6
- Sug1
- Tbp1
- Tbp7
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubbl1
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2e1
- Ube2s
Erythrocytes take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide
- Ae1
- Aqp1
- Ca1
- Ca2
- Ca4
- Car1
- Chip28
- Hba-a1
- Hba1
- Hbb
- Rh50
- Rhag
- Slc4a1
Erythropoietin activates RAS
- Ash
- Crkl
- Epo
- Epor
- Grb2
- Irs2
- Jak2
- Lyn
- Rapgef1
- Shc1
- Vav
- Vav1
Chylomicron remodeling
- Apoa1
- Apoa2
- Apoa4
- Apoa5
- Apob
- Apoc2
- Apoc3
- Apoe
- Gpihbp1
- Lpl
- Rap3
Reuptake of GABA
- Gabt1
- Gabt2
- Gabt3
- Gat-1
- Gat-2
- Gat-3
- Gat-b
- Gat1
- Slc6a1
- Slc6a11
- Slc6a12
- Slc6a13
RET signaling
- Artn
- Ash
- Bmk1
- Dok1
- Dok2
- Dok4
- Dok5
- Dok6
- Enigma
- Erk5
- Frs2
- Gab1
- Gab2
- Gdnf
- Gdnfra
- Gfra1
- Gfra2
- Gfra3
- Gfra4
- Grb10
- Grb2
- Grb7
- Irs2
- Lim1
- Mapk7
- Nrtn
- Nshc
- Pdlim7
- Pik3ca
- Pik3cb
- Pik3cd
- Pik3r1
- Pik3r2
- Pik3r3
- Pkacb
- Pkca
- Plcg1
- Prkaca
- Prkacb
- Prkca
- Prosap2
- Pspn
- Ptpn11
- Rap1gap
- Ret
- Retl1
- Shank3
- Shc1
- Shc3
- Shcc
- Sos1
- Src
- Trnr1
Transport of the SLBP independent Mature mRNA
- Aaas
- Alyref
- Cbp20
- Cbp80
- Eif4e
- Gp210
- LOC683983
- Mrnp41
- Ncbp1
- Ncbp2
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup84
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Nxf1
- Pcnt1
- Pom121
- Pom210
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Tap
- Tmem48
- Tpr
Interleukin-33 signaling
NRAGE signals death through JNK
- Abr
- Akap13
- Arhgef1
- Arhgef10
- Arhgef10l
- Arhgef11
- Arhgef12
- Arhgef15
- Arhgef16
- Arhgef17
- Arhgef19
- Arhgef2
- Arhgef25
- Arhgef26
- Arhgef3
- Arhgef33
- Arhgef37
- Arhgef38
- Arhgef39
- Arhgef5
- Arhgef6
- Arhgef7
- Arhgef9
- Bad
- Bcl2l11
- Bim
- Bod
- Duo
- Ect2
- Ehsh1
- Fgd1
- Fgd2
- Fgd3
- Fgd4
- Geft
- Gna13
- Grf2
- Hapip
- Itsn
- Itsn1
- Jnk1
- Kalrn
- LOC687105
- Lsc
- Mapk8
- Mcf2
- Mcf2l
- Net1
- Ngef
- Obscn
- Ost
- Pak3bp
- Pixb
- Plekhg2
- Plekhg5
- Prex1
- Prkm8
- RGD1565043
- Rac
- Rac1
- Rasgrf2
- Rt13
- Sos1
- Sos2
- Tech
- Tiam1
- Tiam2
- Trio
- Vav
- Vav1
- Vav2
- Vav3
CREB3 factors activate genes
- Creb3
- Creb3l3
- Crebrf
- Mbtps1
- S1p
- Ski1
O-glycosylation of TSR domain-containing proteins
- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1
- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4 (Fragment)
- A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 7
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 10
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 12
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 14
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 15
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 16
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 18
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 19
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 5
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 6
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 8
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 9
- ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1, motif 3
- ADAMTS-like 1
- ADAMTS-like 2
- ADAMTS-like 3
- ADAMTS-like 5
- ADAMTS-like protein 4
- Beta 3-glucosyltransferase
- GDP-fucose protein O-fucosyltransferase 2
- SCO-spondin
- Semaphorin 5B
- Semaphorin-5A
- Somatomedin B and thrombospondin, type 1 domain containing
- Spondin-1
- Spondin-2
- Thrombospondin 1
- Thrombospondin 2
- Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 1
- Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 4
- Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7A
- Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7B
- Adamts1
- Adamts10
- Adamts12
- Adamts13
- Adamts14
- Adamts15
- Adamts16
- Adamts17
- Adamts18
- Adamts19
- Adamts2
- Adamts20
- Adamts3
- Adamts4
- Adamts5
- Adamts6
- Adamts7
- Adamts8
- Adamts9
- Adamtsl1
- Adamtsl2
- Adamtsl3
- Adamtsl4
- Adamtsl5
- B3glct
- Pofut2
- Rpesp
- Sbspon
- Sema5a
- Sema5b
- Spon1
- Spon2
- Sponf
- Sspo
- Thbs1
- Thbs2
- Thsd1
- Thsd4
- Thsd7a
- Thsd7b
RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of myeloid cells
- Aml1
- Cbfa2
- Cbfb
- Cbp
- Crebbp
- Runx1
Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol
- AABR07029195.1
- AABR07031505.1
- AABR07060610.1
- AABR07064810.1
- AABR07071986.1
- AABR07072260.1
- Arbp
- Bms1
- Bop1
- Bud23
- Bysl
- Cirh1a
- Ck1e-2
- Crlz1
- Csnk1d
- Csnk1e
- Dcaf13
- Ddx21
- Ddx21a
- Ddx47
- Ddx49
- Ddx52
- Def
- Dhx37
- Diexf
- Dis3
- ENSRNOG00000068086
- Emg1
- Eri1
- Exosc1
- Exosc10
- Exosc2
- Exosc3
- Exosc4
- Exosc5
- Exosc6
- Exosc7
- Exosc8
- Exosc9
- Fau
- Fbl
- Fcf1
- Fte-1
- Fte1
- Ftsj3
- Gnl3
- Hckid
- Imp4
- Isg20l2
- LOC100360645
- LOC100361060
- LOC100361854
- LOC100361933
- LOC100910714
- LOC102550668
- LOC102551819
- LOC103692829
- LOC108351255
- LOC120093247
- LOC120094652
- LOC120097744
- LOC120099964
- LOC120103572
- LOC360830
- LOC679140
- Lamr1
- Las1l
- Ltv1
- Mnar
- Mphosph10
- Mphosph6
- Mtrex
- Nap65
- Ncl
- Nhp2l1
- Nip7
- Nob1
- Nob1p
- Noc4l
- Nol11
- Nol5
- Nol6
- Nol9
- Nop14
- Nop5
- Nop56
- Nop58
- Ns
- Nuc
- Pdcd11
- Peachy
- Pelp1
- Pes1
- Pno1
- Pwp2
- RGD1310899
- RGD1310899_predicted
- RGD1562402
- RGD1563956
- RGD1564606
- Rcl1
- Rig
- Riok1
- Riok3
- Rok1
- Rp2
- Rpl1
- Rpl10
- Rpl10a
- Rpl10l
- Rpl10l1
- Rpl11
- Rpl12
- Rpl12-ps2
- Rpl12l2
- Rpl13
- Rpl13a
- Rpl14
- Rpl15
- Rpl17
- Rpl18
- Rpl18a
- Rpl19
- Rpl21
- Rpl21-ps26
- Rpl21l2
- Rpl21l3
- Rpl21l5
- Rpl22
- Rpl23
- Rpl23al1
- Rpl24
- Rpl26
- Rpl27
- Rpl27a
- Rpl27al3
- Rpl28
- Rpl29
- Rpl3
- Rpl30
- Rpl31
- Rpl32
- Rpl34
- Rpl34-ps1
- Rpl34l1
- Rpl34l2
- Rpl35
- Rpl35al8
- Rpl36a
- Rpl36al-ps5
- Rpl36al1
- Rpl36l3
- Rpl37
- Rpl37l4
- Rpl38
- Rpl39
- Rpl39l1
- Rpl3l
- Rpl4
- Rpl44
- Rpl5
- Rpl6
- Rpl7
- Rpl7a
- Rpl8
- Rpl9
- Rpl9l2
- Rplp0
- Rplp1
- Rplp2
- Rpp14
- Rpp25
- Rpp30
- Rpp38
- Rpp40
- Rps10
- Rps11
- Rps12l8
- Rps13
- Rps14
- Rps15
- Rps15a
- Rps16
- Rps17
- Rps18
- Rps19
- Rps2
- Rps20
- Rps21
- Rps23
- Rps24
- Rps25
- Rps26
- Rps26-ps13
- Rps26l2
- Rps26l4
- Rps26l6
- Rps27
- Rps27a
- Rps27l
- Rps28
- Rps29
- Rps3
- Rps3a
- Rps4
- Rps4x
- Rps4y2
- Rps5
- Rps6
- Rps7
- Rps7-ps23
- Rps8
- Rps9
- Rpsa
- Rrp36
- Rrp7a
- Rrp9
- S27-1
- Sas10
- Senp3
- Snu13
- Tbl3
- Tex10
- Thex1
- Tsr1
- Uba80
- Ubbl1
- Ubcep1
- Ubcl1
- Utp11
- Utp11l
- Utp14a
- Utp15
- Utp18
- Utp20
- Utp25
- Utp3
- Utp4
- Utp6
- Wbscr22
- Wdr12
- Wdr18
- Wdr3
- Wdr36
- Wdr43
- Wdr46
- Wdr75
- Xrn2
- ZH10