Receptor Mediated Mitophagy
- Apg12
- Apg12l
- Apg5l
- Atg12
- Atg5
- Ck2n
- Ckiia
- Csnk2a1
- Csnk2a2
- Csnk2b
- Fundc1
- Map1alc3
- Map1lc3
- Map1lc3a
- Map1lc3b
- Pgam5
- Src
- Ulk1
Trafficking of AMPA receptors
- Akap150
- Akap5
- Cacng2
- Cacng3
- Cacng4
- Cacng8
- Camk2a
- Camk2b
- Camk2d
- Camk2g
- Dlg1
- Dlg4
- Dlgh1
- Dlgh4
- Epb4
- Epb4.1l1
- Epb41l1
- GluA3
- Glur1
- Glur3
- Glur4
- Gria1
- Gria3
- Gria4
- Kiaa0338
- Kiaa4163
- Kiaa4184
- Mdm2
- Myo6
- Psd95
- Stg
- Sv
Activation of NF-kappaB in B cells
- Adrm1
- Bcl10
- Btrcp2
- Card11
- Carma1
- Chuk
- Ciper
- Clap
- Cul1
- Fbw1b
- Fbxw11
- Fbxw1b
- Gm7697
- Gm9495
- Gp110
- Ikba
- Ikbb
- Ikbkb
- Ikbkg
- Ikka
- Ikkb
- Lmp19
- Lmp3
- Lmpc3
- Malt1
- Mmc14
- Mov-34
- Mov34
- Mss1
- Nemo
- Nfkb1
- Nfkb3
- Nfkbia
- Nfkbib
- P91a
- Pad1
- Pkcb
- Potefam3c
- Potefam3d
- Prkcb
- Prkcb1
- Psma1
- Psma2
- Psma3
- Psma4
- Psma5
- Psma6
- Psma7
- Psmb1
- Psmb2
- Psmb3
- Psmb4
- Psmb5
- Psmb6
- Psmb7
- Psmc1
- Psmc2
- Psmc3
- Psmc4
- Psmc5
- Psmc6
- Psmd1
- Psmd11
- Psmd12
- Psmd13
- Psmd14
- Psmd2
- Psmd3
- Psmd6
- Psmd7
- Psmd8
- Rel
- Rela
- Rps27a
- Skp1
- Skp1a
- Sug1
- Sug2
- Tbp1
- Tbp7
- Tstap91a
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
Separation of Sister Chromatids
- Adrm1
- Ahctf1
- Aik2
- Aim1
- Airk2
- Anapc1
- Anapc10
- Anapc11
- Anapc15
- Anapc16
- Anapc2
- Anapc4
- Anapc5
- Anapc6
- Anapc7
- Anapc8
- Apc10
- Apc7
- Apitd1
- Aprin
- Ark2
- As3
- Aurkb
- B9d2
- Bam
- Bmh
- Bub1
- Bub1b
- Bub3
- Ccdc99
- Cdc16
- Cdc20
- Cdc23
- Cdc26
- Cdc27
- Cdca1
- Cdca5
- Cdca8
- Cenpa
- Cenpc
- Cenpc1
- Cenpe
- Cenpf
- Cenph
- Cenpi
- Cenpk
- Cenpl
- Cenpm
- Cenpn
- Cenpo
- Cenpp
- Cenpq
- Cenpr
- Cenps
- Cenpt
- Cenpu
- Ckap5
- Clasp1
- Clasp2
- Clip1
- Crm1
- Cspg6
- D10Ertd641e
- D10Ertd749e
- D5Ertd249e
- Dhc1
- Dlc1
- Dlc2
- Dnch1
- Dnchc1
- Dnci1
- Dnci2
- Dncic1
- Dncic2
- Dncl1
- Dnclc1
- Dncli1
- Dncli2
- Dnclic1
- Dnclic2
- Dsn1
- Dyhc
- Dync1h1
- Dync1i1
- Dync1i2
- Dync1li1
- Dync1li2
- Dynll1
- Dynll2
- E2epf
- Elys
- Enp
- Ercc6l
- Esp1
- Espl1
- FAAP16
- Fam33a
- Fshprh1
- Fug1
- Gp110
- Gtl1-13
- Hdac8
- Hec1
- Hr21
- Incenp
- Itgb3bp
- Kiaa0165
- Kiaa0166
- Kiaa0197
- Kiaa0261
- Kiaa0622
- Kiaa0627
- Kiaa0648
- Kiaa0979
- Kiaa1361
- Kiaa1470
- Kiaa4006
- Kiaa4046
- Kif18a
- Kif2
- Kif2a
- Kif2b
- Kif2c
- Kns2
- Kntc1
- Kntc2
- Lis-1
- Lis1
- Lmp19
- Lmp3
- Lmpc3
- MHF1
- Mad1
- Mad1l1
- Mad2a
- Mad2l1
- Mad3l
- Mapre1
- Mcm21r
- Mcpr
- Mis12
- Mlf1ip
- Mmc14
- Mmip1
- Mov-34
- Mov34
- Mss1
- Ndc80
- Nde1
- Ndel1
- Nrif3
- Nsl1
- Nudc
- Nude
- Nudel
- Nuf2
- Nuf2r
- Nup107
- Nup133
- Nup160
- Nup37
- Nup43
- Nup85
- Nup98
- P91a
- Pad1
- Pafah1b1
- Pafaha
- Pane1
- Pcnt1
- Pds5a
- Pds5b
- Plk
- Plk1
- Pmf1
- Ppp1cc
- Ppp2ca
- Ppp2cb
- Ppp2r1a
- Ppp2r1b
- Ppp2r5a
- Ppp2r5b
- Ppp2r5c
- Ppp2r5d
- Ppp2r5e
- Psma1
- Psma2
- Psma3
- Psma4
- Psma5
- Psma6
- Psma7
- Psmb1
- Psmb2
- Psmb3
- Psmb4
- Psmb5
- Psmb6
- Psmb7
- Psmc1
- Psmc2
- Psmc3
- Psmc4
- Psmc5
- Psmc6
- Psmd1
- Psmd11
- Psmd12
- Psmd13
- Psmd14
- Psmd2
- Psmd3
- Psmd6
- Psmd7
- Psmd8
- Pttg
- Pttg1
- Rad21
- Ranbp2
- Rangap1
- Rcc2
- Rps27
- Rps27a
- Rsn
- Sa1
- Sa2
- Sap2
- Sb1.8
- Scc1
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Seh1l
- Sgo1
- Sgo2
- Sgol1
- Sgol2
- Sgol2a
- Ska1
- Ska2
- Smc1
- Smc1a
- Smc1l1
- Smc3
- Smc3l1
- Smcb
- Smcd
- Solt
- Spbc24
- Spbc25
- Spc24
- Spc25
- Spdl1
- Stag1
- Stag2
- Stk1
- Stk12
- Stk5
- Sug1
- Sug2
- Taok1
- Tbp1
- Tbp7
- Tsg24
- Tstap91a
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubce5
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Ubch10
- Ubcm3
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2e1
- Ube2s
- Wapal
- Wapl
- Xpo1
- Zw10
- Zwilch
- Zwint
MyD88-independent TLR4 cascade
- Cd14
- Esop1
- Kiaa0524
- Lps
- Ly96
- Md2
- Sarm1
- Ticam1
- Ticam2
- Tirp
- Tlr4
- Tram
- Trif
PKA activation
- Adcy1
- Adcy2
- Adcy3
- Adcy4
- Adcy5
- Adcy6
- Adcy7
- Adcy8
- Adcy9
- Calm
- Calm1
- Cam
- Cam1
- Kiaa1060
- Pkaca
- Pkacb
- Prkaca
- Prkacb
- Prkar1a
- Prkar1b
- Prkar2a
Cilium Assembly
TP53 regulates transcription of additional cell cycle genes whose exact role in the p53 pathway remain uncertain
- Btg2
- Caf1
- Ccr4
- Cdc25c
- Cdc25m1
- Cenpj
- Cnk
- Cnot1
- Cnot10
- Cnot11
- Cnot2
- Cnot3
- Cnot4
- Cnot6
- Cnot6l
- Cnot7
- Cnot8
- Cnot9
- D1Bwg0212e
- Fnk
- Kiaa1007
- Kiaa1194
- Kiaa1741
- Not3
- Not4
- Npm1
- Plk2
- Plk3
- Rcd1
- Rqcd1
- Snk
- Tab182
- Tis21
- Tnks1bp1
Inositol transporters
- Kst1
- Slc2a13
- Slc5a11
- Slc5a3
- Smit2
RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in BCR signaling
- Aml1
- Cbfa2
- Cbfb
- Elf2
- Nerf
- Pax-5
- Pax5
- Pebp2ab
- Pebp2b
- Pebpb2
- Runx1
ER-Phagosome pathway
- Antigen peptide transporter 1
- Antigen peptide transporter 2
- Beta-2-microglobulin
- Calreticulin
- Class Ib MHC antigen Qa-2
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, D-37 alpha chain
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, D-P alpha chain
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, K-B alpha chain
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, Q10 alpha chain
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, Q7 alpha chain
- H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, TLA(B) alpha chain
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.1
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.2
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.3
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.4
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.5
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 10.6
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 11 (Fragment)
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 1
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 2
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 3
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 5
- Histocompatibility 2, M region locus 9
- Histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 1
- Histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 2
- Histocompatibility 2, Q region locus 4
- Histocompatibility 2, T region locus 22
- Protein disulfide-isomerase A3
- Synaptosomal-associated protein 23
- Syntaxin-4
- Tapasin
- Vesicle-associated membrane protein 3
- Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8
- Vesicle-trafficking protein SEC22b
- Abcb2
- Abcb3
- B2m
- Calr
- Erp
- Erp60
- Gm11132
- Grp58
- H-2M3
- H2-D1
- H2-Gs10
- H2-K
- H2-K1
- H2-M1
- H2-M10.1
- H2-M10.2
- H2-M10.3
- H2-M10.4
- H2-M10.5
- H2-M10.6
- H2-M11
- H2-M2
- H2-M3
- H2-M5
- H2-M9
- H2-Q1
- H2-Q10
- H2-Q2
- H2-Q4
- H2-Q6
- H2-Q7
- H2-T22
- H2-T23
- H2-T3
- H2-gs10
- Ham-1
- Ham-2
- Ham1
- Ham2
- M10
- M9
- Pdia3
- Sec22b
- Sec22l1
- Snap23
- Sndt
- Stx4
- Stx4a
- Syb3
- Tap1
- Tap2
- Tapa
- Tapbp
- Vamp3
- Vamp8
Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC) Disassembly
- Aaas
- Ccn-2
- Ccnb1
- Ccnb1-rs13
- Ccnb2
- Cdc2
- Cdc2a
- Cdk1
- Cdkn1
- Cip4
- Cycb
- Cycb1
- Cycb2
- Gtl1-13
- Kiaa0023
- Kiaa0095
- Kiaa0169
- Kiaa0197
- Kiaa0906
- Mp44
- Mrnp41
- Ndc1
- Npap60
- Nup107
- Nup121
- Nup133
- Nup153
- Nup155
- Nup160
- Nup188
- Nup205
- Nup210
- Nup214
- Nup35
- Nup37
- Nup42
- Nup43
- Nup50
- Nup53
- Nup54
- Nup58
- Nup62
- Nup85
- Nup88
- Nup93
- Nup98
- Nupl1
- Nupl2
- Pcnt1
- Pom121
- Rae1
- Ranbp2
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Seh1l
- Tmem48
- Tpr
Formation of annular gap junctions
- Ap2m1
- Clapm1
- Clta
- Cltb
- Cltc
- Cxn-43
- Dab2
- Dnm
- Dnm1
- Dnm2
- Doc2
- Dyn2
- Gja1
- Kiaa4093
Thyroxine biosynthesis
- Cga
- Dehal1
- Duox1
- Duox2
- Iyd
- Nis
- Slc5a5
- Tpo
- Tshb
ERBB2 Activates PTK6 Signaling
- Bcn
- Btc
- Dtr
- Egf
- Egfr
- Erbb2
- Erbb3
- Erbb4
- Ereg
- Hbegf
- Hegfl
- Kiaa3023
- Mer4
- Neu
- Nrg1
- Nrg2
- Nrg3
- Ptk6
- Sik
Synthesis of IPs in the ER lumen
Chk1/Chk2(Cds1) mediated inactivation of Cyclin B:Cdk1 complex
- Ccn-2
- Ccnb1
- Ccnb1-rs13
- Cdc2
- Cdc25c
- Cdc25m1
- Cdc2a
- Cdk1
- Cdkn1
- Chek2
- Chk2
- Cycb
- Cycb1
- Mkrn3
- Rad53
- Sfn
- Wee1
- Ywhab
- Ywhae
- Ywhag
- Ywhah
- Ywhaq
- Ywhaz
Regulation of gap junction activity
TFAP2A acts as a transcriptional repressor during retinoic acid induced cell differentiation
- Ap2tf
- Npm1
- Tcfap2a
- Tfap2a
Platelet degranulation
- A1bg
- A2m
- A2mp
- A4
- AD1
- Aat2
- Abcc4
- Actg
- Actg1
- Actn1
- Actn2
- Actn4
- Adn
- Agp-2
- Agp-3
- Agp1
- Ahsg
- Alb
- Alb-1
- Alb1
- Aldo1
- Aldoa
- Anx5
- Anxa5
- Aplp2
- Apoa1
- Apoh
- Apoj
- Apool
- App
- Armet
- B2gp1
- Brpf3
- C1nh
- Calm
- Calm1
- Cam
- Cam1
- Cd109
- Cd36
- Cd63
- Cd9
- Cdc37l1
- Cf8
- Cfd
- Chid1
- Clec3b
- Clu
- Ctsw
- Cxcl4
- Cxcl7
- Cyb5r1
- Cycap
- Cyri
- Cyrib
- D6Wsu176e
- Df
- Dom2
- Dom3
- Dom6
- Ebaf
- Ecm1
- Egf
- Endod1
- F13a
- F13a1
- F5
- F8
- F8c
- Fam121a
- Fam3c
- Fam49b
- Fermt3
- Fetua
- Fga
- Fgb
- Fgg
- Figf
- Fln
- Fln1
- Flna
- Fn1
- Gas6
- Grmp
- Gtpbp2
- Gtpbp9
- Habp4
- Hgf
- Hrg
- Igf-1
- Igf-2
- Igf1
- Igf2
- Ilei
- Islr
- Itga2b
- Itgb3
- Itih3
- Itih4
- Kiaa0120
- Kiaa0830
- Kiaa1830
- Kind3
- Kng2
- Lamp-2
- Lamp2
- Leftb
- Lefty
- Lefty1
- Lefty2
- Lgals3bp
- Lhfpl2
- Ly6g6f
- Maged2
- Mama
- Manf
- Mic27
- Mmrn1
- Mr1
- Mrp4
- Msgp-2
- Nhlrc2
- Nqo3a2
- Ola1
- Orm-1
- Orm-2
- Orm-3
- Orm1
- Orm2
- Orm3
- Pai1
- Pcdh7
- Pcyox1l
- Pdgfa
- Pdgfb
- Pecam
- Pecam-1
- Pecam1
- Pf4
- Phactr2
- Planh1
- Plek
- Plg
- Pli
- Ppbp
- Prg
- Prg1
- Pros
- Pros1
- Psap
- Ptmb4
- Qscn6
- Qsox1
- Rab27b
- Rarres2
- Sccpdh
- Scg3
- Scyb4
- Selenop
- Selp
- Sepp1
- Serpina1b
- Serpina1c
- Serpina3f
- Serpine1
- Serpinf2
- Serping1
- Sgp1
- Sis
- Slp4
- Sod1
- Sox
- Sparc
- Spi1-2
- Spi1-3
- Spi1-6
- Spp2
- Spp24
- Srgn
- Stra3
- Stxbp2
- Sun
- Sytl4
- Tagln2
- Tex264
- Tf
- Tgfb1
- Tgfb2
- Tgfb3
- Tgfb4
- Thbs1
- Timp
- Timp-1
- Timp-3
- Timp1
- Timp3
- Tln
- Tln1
- Tmsb4
- Tmsb4x
- Tmx3
- Tna
- Tor4a
- Trf
- Tsp1
- Tuba4
- Tuba4a
- Txndc10
- Unc18b
- Urp2
- Vcl
- Vegf
- Vegfa
- Vegfb
- Vegfc
- Vegfd
- Vrf
- Vti1b
- Vti1l1
- Vwf
- Wdr1
Condensation of Prometaphase Chromosomes
- Brrn
- Brrn1
- Capc
- Capd2
- Cape
- Caph
- Ck2n
- Ckiia
- Cnap1
- Csnk2a1
- Csnk2a2
- Csnk2b
- Fin16
- Kiaa0159
- Ncapd2
- Ncapg
- Ncaph
- Smc2
- Smc2l1
- Smc4
- Smc4l1
Translesion synthesis by POLI
- Ibf-1
- Mad2b
- Mad2l2
- Pcna
- Poli
- Polz
- Rad30b
- Recc1
- Rev1
- Rev1l
- Rev3l
- Rev7
- Rfc1
- Rfc2
- Rfc3
- Rfc4
- Rfc5
- Rpa1
- Rpa2
- Rpa3
- Rpa34
- Rps27a
- Sez4
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13 signaling
- Aprf
- Cish1
- Cish5
- Grp94
- Hsp90b1
- Hspc4
- Il-13
- Il-4
- Il13
- Il13r
- Il13ra
- Il13ra1
- Il13ra2
- Il2rg
- Il4
- Il4r
- Il4ra
- Jak1
- Jak2
- Jak3
- Socs1
- Socs5
- Ssi1
- Stat1
- Stat3
- Stat6
- Tra-1
- Tra1
- Tyk2
TRKA activation by NGF
OADH complex synthesizes glutaryl-CoA from 2-OA