TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)
- Arha
- Arha2
- Arhgef18
- Cgn
- F11r
- Jam1
- Jcam
- Jcam1
- Kiaa0521
- Kiaa1319
- Par3
- Par6a
- Pard3
- Pard6a
- Pkcz
- Prkcz
- Rhoa
- Rps27a
- Smurf1
- Tgfb1
- Tgfbr1
- Tgfbr2
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
TGF-beta receptor signaling activates SMADs
- Cbl
- Dpc4
- Fkbp1
- Fkbp1a
- Fur
- Furin
- Itga8
- Itgav
- Itgb1
- Itgb3
- Itgb5
- Itgb6
- Itgb8
- Ltbp1
- Ltbp2
- Ltbp3
- Ltbp4
- Madh2
- Madh3
- Madh4
- Madr2
- Nedd-8
- Nedd8
- Pcsk3
- Smad2
- Smad3
- Smad4
- Tgfb1
- Tgfb2
- Tgfb3
- Tgfbr1
- Tgfbr2
- Tgfbr3
- Ubc-rs2
- Ubc12
- Ube2m
- Zfyve9
TFAP2A acts as a transcriptional repressor during retinoic acid induced cell differentiation
- Ap2tf
- Npm1
- Tcfap2a
- Tfap2a
TFAP2 (AP-2) family regulates transcription of growth factors and their receptors
- Atad2
- Cga
- Esr
- Esr1
- Estr
- Estra
- Lhb
- Nr3a1
TFAP2 (AP-2) family regulates transcription of cell cycle factors
- Jarid1b
- Kdm5b
- Kiaa4034
- Myc
- Plu1
- Tcfap2c
- Tfap2c
TCF dependent signaling in response to WNT
- Axin
- Axin1
- Axin2
- Catnb
- Ctnnb1
- Fu
- Int-1
- Int-4
- Kiaa0570
- Mrk
- Murr2
- Rnf146
- Rps27a
- Ryk
- Tank2
- Tnks
- Tnks1
- Tnks2
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Usp34
- Wnt-1
- Wnt-3
- Wnt-3a
- Wnt-5a
- Wnt1
- Wnt3
- Wnt3a
- Wnt5a
- Arf6
- D5Ertd110e
- D9Bwg0185e
- Epi64
- Gabarap
- Gabarapl2
- Kiaa0243
- Kiaa1171
- Kiaa1322
- Kiaa4104
- Map1alc3
- Map1lc3
- Map1lc3b
- Mel
- Optn
- Rab11
- Rab11a
- Rab11b
- Rab33a
- Rab33b
- Rab35
- Rab4
- Rab4a
- Rab6
- Rab6a
- Rab6b
- Rab7
- Rab7a
- Rab7b
- Rab8
- Rab8a
- Rab8b
- Rabgap1
- Rabs10
- Slp1
- Sytl1
- Tbc1d10
- Tbc1d10a
- Tbc1d10b
- Tbc1d10c
- Tbc1d13
- Tbc1d14
- Tbc1d15
- Tbc1d16
- Tbc1d17
- Tbc1d2
- Tbc1d24
- Tbc1d25
- Tbc1d2a
- Tbc1d7
- Tsc1
- Tsc2
- Ulk1
TAK1-dependent IKK and NF-kappa-B activation
- A4
- AD1
- Ager
- Alpk1
- App
- Blu
- Chuk
- Croc1
- Hmg-1
- Hmg1
- Hmgb1
- Ikba
- Ikbb
- Ikbkb
- Ikbkg
- Ikka
- Ikkb
- Il1rak
- Irak1
- Irak2
- Kiaa0733
- Kiaa1527
- Kiaa4135
- Map3k7
- Map3k7ip1
- Map3k7ip2
- Map3k7ip3
- Nemo
- Nfkb1
- Nfkb2
- Nfkb3
- Nfkbia
- Nfkbib
- Nkiras1
- Nkiras2
- Rage
- Rela
- Rps27a
- S100b
- T2bp
- Tab1
- Tab2
- Tab3
- Tak1
- Tifa
- Traf6
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Ube2n
- Ube2v1
- Ubp43
- Usp18
Synthesis, secretion, and inactivation of Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP)
- Cd26
- Dpp4
- Ffar1
- Gip
- Gpr119
- Gpr40
Synthesis, secretion, and inactivation of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1)
- Cd26
- Dpp4
- Ffar1
- Ffar4
- Gcg
- Gnat3
- Gnb1
- Gnb3
- Gng13
- Gpr119
- Gpr120
- Gpr40
- Grp
- Lep
- O3far1
- Ob
Synthesis, secretion, and deacylation of Ghrelin
- Att-1
- Bche
- Gcg
- Gh
- Gh1
- Ghrl
- Gm171
- Goat
- Igf-1
- Igf1
- Ins-1
- Ins1
- Lep
- Mboat4
- Mtlrp
- Nec-1
- Nec1
- Ob
- Pafah
- Pcsk1
- Pla2g7
- Sec11a
- Sec11c
- Sec11l1
- Sec11l3
- Sid2895
- Spc12
- Spc18
- Spc21
- Spc25
- Spcs1
- Spcs2
- Spcs3
Synthesis of very long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs
- Acs3
- Acs4
- Acsbg1
- Acsbg2
- Acsf3
- Acsl1
- Acsl2
- Acsl3
- Acsl4
- Acsl5
- Acsl6
- Bgr
- Cig30
- Edh17b3
- Elovl1
- Elovl2
- Elovl3
- Elovl5
- Elovl6
- Elovl7
- Face
- Facl2
- Facl3
- Facl4
- Facl5
- Facl6
- Gpsn2
- Hacd1
- Hacd2
- Hacd3
- Hacd4
- Hsd17b12
- Hsd17b3
- Kiaa0631
- Kik1
- Lce
- Lpd
- Masr
- Ptpla
- Ptplad1
- Ptplad2
- Ptplb
- Srd5a2l2
- Ssc1
- Ssc2
- Tecr
- Tecrl
Synthesis of pyrophosphates in the cytosol
- Dipp
- Dipp1
- Dipp2
- Dipp3a
- Dipp3b
- Hisppd1
- Hisppd2a
- Ihpk1
- Ihpk3
- Ip6k1
- Ip6k3
- Ippk
- Itpk1
- Kiaa0377
- Kiaa0433
- Nudt10
- Nudt11
- Nudt3
- Nudt4
- Ppip5k1
- Ppip5k2
- Vip1
- Vip2
Synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)
- Dcrc
- Dpm2
- Dscr5
- Gm737
- Gpi1h
- Mgpi1
- Piga
- Pigb
- Pigc
- Pigf
- Pigg
- Pigh
- Pigl
- Pigm
- Pign
- Pigp
- Pigq
- Pigv
- Pigw
- Pigx
- Pigy
- Pigyl
- Pigz
Synthesis of epoxy (EET) and dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (DHET)
- Cyp1-b1
- Cyp1a-1
- Cyp1a-2
- Cyp1a1
- Cyp1a2
- Cyp1b1
- Cyp2c65
- Cyp2c66
- Cyp2j6
- Eph2
- Ephx2
Synthesis of dolichyl-phosphate-glucose
Synthesis of dolichyl-phosphate mannose
Synthesis of diphthamide-EEF2
- Atpbd4
- Desr1
- Dnajc24
- Dph1
- Dph2
- Dph2l1
- Dph2l2
- Dph3
- Dph4
- Dph5
- Dph6
- Eef2
- Ovca1
- Zcsl2
- Zcsl3
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol
- Abcb11
- Acot8
- Acox2
- Acsb
- Acsvl1
- Acsvl6
- Akr1c20
- Akr1c21
- Akr1c6
- Akr1d1
- Amacr
- Baat
- Bar
- Bsep
- Cyp12
- Cyp27a1
- Cyp7
- Cyp7a1
- Cyp7b1
- Cyp8
- Cyp8b1
- Edh17b4
- Facvl1
- Fatp2
- Fatp5
- Fxr
- Grip1
- Hsd17b4
- Hsd17b5
- Hsd3b7
- Macr1
- Ncoa1
- Ncoa2
- Nr1h4
- Nr2b1
- Pte1
- Ptgis
- Rip14
- Rxra
- Scp-2
- Scp2
- Slc27a2
- Slc27a5
- Spgp
- Src1
- Src2
- Tif2
- Vlacs
- Vlacsr
- Vlcs
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 27-hydroxycholesterol
- Akr1c20
- Akr1c21
- Akr1c6
- Akr1d1
- Bar
- Cyp12
- Cyp27a1
- Cyp7
- Cyp7a1
- Cyp7b1
- Cyp8
- Cyp8b1
- Fxr
- Grip1
- Hsd17b5
- Hsd3b7
- Ncoa1
- Ncoa2
- Nr1h4
- Nr2b1
- Ptgis
- Rip14
- Rxra
- Src1
- Src2
- Tif2
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 24-hydroxycholesterol
- Acsb
- Acsvl1
- Acsvl6
- Akr1c20
- Akr1c21
- Akr1c6
- Akr1d1
- Amacr
- Cyp12
- Cyp27a1
- Cyp39a1
- Cyp46
- Cyp46a1
- Cyp8
- Cyp8b1
- Facvl1
- Fatp2
- Fatp5
- Hsd17b5
- Hsd3b7
- Macr1
- Ptgis
- Slc27a2
- Slc27a5
- Vlacs
- Vlacsr
- Vlcs
Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts
- Bar
- Ch25h
- Cyp7
- Cyp7a1
- Cyp7b1
- Fxr
- Grip1
- Kiaa4220
- Ncoa1
- Ncoa2
- Nr1h4
- Nr2b1
- Orp1
- Orp1a
- Orp1l
- Orp3
- Orp9
- Osbp
- Osbpl1a
- Osbpl2
- Osbpl3
- Osbpl6
- Osbpl7
- Osbpl9
- Rip14
- Rxra
- Src1
- Src2
- Tif2
Synthesis of active ubiquitin: roles of E1 and E2 enzymes
- Cdc34
- Cdc34b
- D11Moh35
- E2epf
- Fafl
- Fam
- Fam105b
- Gum
- Hausp
- Hip2
- Isot
- Otulin
- Rad6a
- Rad6b
- Rps27a
- Sbx
- Uba1
- Uba52
- Uba6
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubc3b
- Ubc4
- Ubc7
- Ubce4
- Ubce5
- Ubce7
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Ubch10
- Ubch3
- Ubch4
- Ubch5b
- Ubcm2
- Ubcm3
- Ube1
- Ube1ax
- Ube1l2
- Ube1x
- Ube2a
- Ube2b
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2d2
- Ube2d2a
- Ube2e1
- Ube2e3
- Ube2g
- Ube2g1
- Ube2g2
- Ube2h
- Ube2k
- Ube2l3
- Ube2q2
- Ube2r1
- Ube2r2
- Ube2s
- Ube2t
- Ube2w
- Ube2z
- Uchl3
- Usp5
- Usp7
- Usp9x
Synthesis of UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine
- Agm1
- Amdhd2
- Gfpt
- Gfpt1
- Gfpt2
- Gna1
- Gnk
- Gnpnat1
- Nagk
- Pgm-3
- Pgm3
- Renbp
- Uap1
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX)
- Akr1c20
- Akr1c21
- Akr1c6
- Cbr
- Cbr1
- Cox-1
- Cox-2
- Cox1
- Cox2
- Cyp12
- Cyp5
- Cyp5a1
- Cyp8
- Cyp8b1
- Gbf1
- Gsts
- Hpgds
- Hsd17b5
- Pgds
- Pges
- Pges2
- Pghs-b
- Ptgds
- Ptgds2
- Ptges
- Ptges2
- Ptges3
- Ptgis
- Ptgs1
- Ptgs2
- Sid3177
- Tbxas1
- Tebp
- Tis10