Synthesis of PS
RHOT1 GTPase cycle
- Als2cr3
- Arht1
- Myo19
- Myohd1
- Rhot1
- Trak1
- Trak2
Lysosphingolipid and LPA receptors
- D3Bwg0562e
- Edg1
- Edg2
- Edg3
- Edg4
- Edg5
- Edg6
- Edg7
- Edg8
- Gm1072
- Gpcr13
- Gpcr26
- Gpr92
- Kiaa0455
- Kiaa4076
- Kiaa4247
- Lpa1
- Lpa2
- Lpa3
- Lpar1
- Lpar2
- Lpar3
- Lpar5
- Lpb1
- Lpb2
- Lpb3
- Lpb4
- Lpc1
- Lppr1
- Lppr2
- Lppr3
- Lppr4
- Lppr5
- Php1
- Plppr1
- Plppr2
- Plppr3
- Plppr4
- Plppr5
- Prg1
- Prg2
- Prg3
- Prg4
- S1p4
- S1pr1
- S1pr2
- S1pr3
- S1pr4
- S1pr5
- Vzg1
Hedgehog 'on' state
- Cdc73
- Cul3
- Dzip1
- Evc
- Evc2
- Gli
- Gli1
- Gli2
- Gli3
- Gm208
- Gpr161
- Itch
- Kiaa0072
- Kiaa0077
- Kiaa0996
- Kif7
- Lbn
- Lmp10
- Lmp19
- Lmp2
- Lmp3
- Lmp7
- Lmpc3
- Mc13
- Mcb1
- Mecl1
- Mmc14
- Mov-34
- Mov34
- Mss1
- Numb
- P91a
- Pa28b1
- Pad1
- Pcif1
- Psma1
- Psma2
- Psma3
- Psma4
- Psma5
- Psma6
- Psma7
- Psma7l
- Psma8
- Psmb1
- Psmb10
- Psmb11
- Psmb2
- Psmb3
- Psmb4
- Psmb5
- Psmb6
- Psmb7
- Psmb8
- Psmb9
- Psmc1
- Psmc2
- Psmc3
- Psmc4
- Psmc5
- Psmc6
- Psmd1
- Psmd10
- Psmd11
- Psmd12
- Psmd13
- Psmd14
- Psmd2
- Psmd3
- Psmd4
- Psmd5
- Psmd6
- Psmd7
- Psmd8
- Psmd9
- Psme1
- Psme2
- Psme3
- Psme4
- Psmf1
- Ptch
- Ptch1
- Rbx1
- Ring12
- Rps27a
- Smo
- Smoh
- Smurf1
- Smurf2
- Spop
- Spopl
- Sufu
- Sug1
- Sug2
- Tbp1
- Tbp7
- Thp
- Tstap91a
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Ulk3
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation
- Akt
- Akt1
- Calm
- Calm1
- Cam
- Cam1
- Ecnos
- Gch
- Gch1
- Gchfr
- Gfrp
- Hsp86
- Hsp86-1
- Hsp90aa1
- Hspca
- Nos3
- Prkg2
- Prkgr2
- Pts
- Rac
- Spr
Transport of organic anions
- Avp
- Mct8
- Oatp1a4
- Oatp1b2
- Oatp1c1
- Oatp2
- Oatp2a1
- Oatp2b1
- Oatp3a1
- Oatp4a1
- Oatp4c1
- Oatpd
- Oatpe
- Oatpf
- Slc16a2
- Slc21a10
- Slc21a11
- Slc21a12
- Slc21a14
- Slc21a2
- Slc21a20
- Slc21a5
- Slc21a9
- Slco1a4
- Slco1b2
- Slco1c1
- Slco2a1
- Slco2b1
- Slco3a1
- Slco4a1
- Slco4c1
- Xpct
Beta oxidation of hexanoyl-CoA to butanoyl-CoA
- Acads
- Echs1
- Hadh
- Hadha
- Hadhb
- Hadhsc
- Mschad
- Schad
Conversion from APC/C:Cdc20 to APC/C:Cdh1 in late anaphase
- Anapc1
- Anapc10
- Anapc11
- Anapc15
- Anapc16
- Anapc2
- Anapc4
- Anapc5
- Anapc6
- Anapc7
- Anapc8
- Apc10
- Apc7
- Cdc14a
- Cdc16
- Cdc20
- Cdc23
- Cdc26
- Cdc27
- D10Ertd641e
- D5Ertd249e
- E2epf
- Fyr
- Fzr
- Fzr1
- Mcpr
- Tsg24
- Ubce5
- Ubch10
- Ubcm3
- Ube2c
- Ube2d1
- Ube2e1
- Ube2s
FLT3 Signaling
- Akt
- Akt1
- Akt2
- Akt3
- Cdkn1b
- Fkhr2
- Flk-2
- Flt-3
- Flt3
- Flt3l
- Flt3lg
- Foxo3
- Foxo3a
- Gab2
- Gads
- Grap2
- Grb10
- Grb2l
- Grid
- Hras
- Hras1
- Kras
- Kras2
- Meg1
- Mona
- Nras
- Pik3ca
- Pik3r1
- Rac
- Sos1
NF-kB is activated and signals survival
- A170
- Ikba
- Ikbkb
- Ikkb
- Il1rak
- Irak1
- Nfkb1
- Nfkb3
- Nfkbia
- Ngf
- Ngfb
- Ngfr
- Rela
- Rps27a
- Sqstm1
- Tnfrsf16
- Traf6
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubb
- Ubc
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
Glycerophospholipid catabolism
- Enpp6
- Gde1
- Mir16
- Nte
- Pnpla6
G beta:gamma signalling through CDC42
- Arhgef6
- Cdc42
- Gnb1
- Gnb2
- Gnb3
- Gnb4
- Gnb5
- Gng1
- Gng10
- Gng11
- Gng12
- Gng13
- Gng2
- Gng3
- Gng4
- Gng5
- Gng7
- Gng8
- Gng9
- Gngt1
- Gngt11
- Gngt2
- Gngt3
- Gngt4
- Gngt5
- Gngt7
- Gngt8
- Gngt9
- Pak1
- Paka
L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression
- Arbp
- Csma
- Ddx2a
- Ddx2b
- Eif1ax
- Eif1ay
- Eif2a
- Eif2s1
- Eif2s2
- Eif2s3x
- Eif3
- Eif3a
- Eif3b
- Eif3c
- Eif3d
- Eif3e
- Eif3eip
- Eif3f
- Eif3g
- Eif3h
- Eif3i
- Eif3j1
- Eif3j2
- Eif3k
- Eif3l
- Eif3m
- Eif3p42
- Eif3s1-1
- Eif3s1-2
- Eif3s10
- Eif3s12
- Eif3s2
- Eif3s3
- Eif3s4
- Eif3s5
- Eif3s6
- Eif3s6ip
- Eif3s7
- Eif3s8
- Eif3s9
- Eif4a
- Eif4a1
- Eif4a2
- Eif4b
- Eif4e
- Eif4g1
- Eif4h
- Gm6525
- Gm9781
- Int6
- Lamr1
- Llrep3
- Nedd-6
- Nedd6
- P198
- P40-8
- Pabp1
- Pabpc1
- Paf67
- Pcid1
- Qm
- Rig
- Rpl10
- Rpl10a
- Rpl10l
- Rpl11
- Rpl12
- Rpl13
- Rpl13a
- Rpl14
- Rpl15
- Rpl17
- Rpl18
- Rpl18a
- Rpl19
- Rpl21
- Rpl22
- Rpl22l1
- Rpl23
- Rpl23a
- Rpl24
- Rpl26
- Rpl27
- Rpl27a
- Rpl28
- Rpl29
- Rpl3
- Rpl30
- Rpl31
- Rpl32
- Rpl34
- Rpl35
- Rpl35a
- Rpl36
- Rpl36a
- Rpl37
- Rpl37a
- Rpl38
- Rpl39
- Rpl39l
- Rpl3l
- Rpl4
- Rpl43
- Rpl44
- Rpl5
- Rpl6
- Rpl7
- Rpl7a
- Rpl8
- Rpl9
- Rplp0
- Rplp1
- Rplp2
- Rps10
- Rps11
- Rps12
- Rps13
- Rps14
- Rps15
- Rps15a
- Rps16
- Rps17
- Rps18
- Rps19
- Rps2
- Rps20
- Rps21
- Rps23
- Rps24
- Rps25
- Rps26
- Rps27
- Rps27a
- Rps27l
- Rps28
- Rps29
- Rps3
- Rps3a
- Rps3a1
- Rps4
- Rps4x
- Rps5
- Rps6
- Rps7
- Rps8
- Rps9
- Rpsa
- Surf-3
- Surf3
- Trip1
- Tstap198-7
- Uba52
- Uba80
- Ubcep1
- Ubcep2
- Wbscr1
Amino acids regulate mTORC1
- Atp6a1
- Atp6a2
- Atp6b1
- Atp6b2
- Atp6c
- Atp6c1
- Atp6c2
- Atp6d
- Atp6e
- Atp6e1
- Atp6e2
- Atp6f
- Atp6g1
- Atp6g2
- Atp6g3
- Atp6l
- Atp6m
- Atp6s14
- Atp6v0b
- Atp6v0c
- Atp6v0d1
- Atp6v0d2
- Atp6v0e
- Atp6v0e1
- Atp6v0e2
- Atp6v1a
- Atp6v1a1
- Atp6v1b1
- Atp6v1b2
- Atp6v1c1
- Atp6v1c2
- Atp6v1d
- Atp6v1e1
- Atp6v1e2
- Atp6v1f
- Atp6v1g1
- Atp6v1g2
- Atp6v1g3
- Atp6v1h
- Atpl
- Bhd
- Bmt2
- Castor1
- Castor2
- Cdw12
- Depdc5
- Flcn
- Fnip1
- Fnip2
- Frap
- Frap1
- Gats
- Gatsl2
- Gatsl3
- Gbl
- Hbxip
- Itfg2
- Kiaa0645
- Kiaa1450
- Kiaa1923
- Kiaa1961
- Kics2
- Kptn
- Lamtor1
- Lamtor2
- Lamtor3
- Lamtor4
- Lamtor5
- Lst8
- Map2k1ip1
- Mapbp
- Mapbpip
- Mapksp1
- Mapo1
- Mare
- Mios
- Mlst8
- Mtor
- Mvp
- Ng38
- Nprl2
- Nprl3
- Oc116
- Pa26
- Ragd
- Raptor
- Rheb
- Robld3
- Rptor
- Rraga
- Rragb
- Rragc
- Rragd
- Samtor
- Sec13
- Sec13l1
- Seh1l
- Sesn1
- Sesn2
- Sest1
- Sh3bp4
- Slc38a9
- Szt2
- Tcirg1
- Vat2
- Vatc
- Vatd
- Vatf
- Wdr24
- Wdr59
- Xip
Negative regulation of activity of TFAP2 (AP-2) family transcription factors
- Ap2tf
- Kctd1
- Smt3c
- Smt3h3
- Sumo1
- Tcfap2a
- Tcfap2b
- Tcfap2c
- Tcfap2d
- Tcfap2e
- Tfap2a
- Tfap2b
- Tfap2c
- Tfap2d
- Tfap2e
- Ubc9
- Ubce2i
- Ubce9
- Ube2i
- Ubl1
- Wox1
- Wwox
Cytosolic sensors of pathogen-associated DNA
- Aim2
- Gm1313
- Ifi210
- Mre11
- Mre11a
ATF6 (ATF6-alpha) activates chaperones
- Atf6
- Mbtps1
- Mbtps2
- S1p
- Ski1
ATF6B (ATF6-beta) activates chaperones
- Atf6b
- Crebl1
- Mbtps1
- Mbtps2
- S1p
- Ski1
Highly sodium permeable postsynaptic acetylcholine nicotinic receptors
- Acra4
- Acrb4
- Acrd
- Acre
- Acrg
- Chrna3
- Chrna4
- Chrnb2
- Chrnb4
- Chrnd
- Chrne
- Chrng
Disassembly of the destruction complex and recruitment of AXIN to the membrane
- Amer1
- Apc
- Axin
- Axin1
- Catnb
- Cav
- Cav1
- Csnk1a1
- Ctnnb1
- Dvl
- Dvl1
- Dvl2
- Dvl3
- Fam123b
- Frat1
- Frat2
- Fu
- Fzd1
- Fzd10
- Fzd2
- Fzd5
- Gsk3b
- Int-1
- Kiaa4006
- Lr3
- Lrp5
- Lrp6
- Lrp7
- Ppp2ca
- Ppp2cb
- Ppp2r1a
- Ppp2r1b
- Ppp2r5a
- Ppp2r5b
- Ppp2r5c
- Ppp2r5d
- Ppp2r5e
- Stra11
- Wnt-1
- Wnt-3a
- Wnt1
- Wnt3a
- Wnt8a
- Wnt8b
- Wnt8d
Purine catabolism
- Airp
- Dnph1
- Dnt1
- Gda
- Itpa
- Np
- Nt5
- Nt5c
- Nt5c1a
- Nt5c1b
- Nt5c2
- Nt5e
- Nte
- Pnp
- Pnp1
- Pnp2
- Xdh
ECM proteoglycans
- Acan
- Agc
- Agc1
- Agrin
- Agrn
- Bcan
- Bgn
- Cmp
- Col9a1
- Col9a2
- Col9a3
- Comp
- Crtl1
- Crtm
- Cspg2
- Cspg3
- Dcn
- Dmp
- Dmp1
- Dmp3
- Dspp
- Hapln1
- Hxb
- Itga2
- Itga2b
- Itga7
- Itga8
- Itga9
- Itgav
- Itgax
- Itgb1
- Itgb3
- Itgb5
- Itgb6
- Matn1
- Matn3
- Matn4
- Mr1
- Ncan
- Pai1
- Planh1
- Serpine1
- Sparc
- Tnc
- Tnn
- Tnr
- Tnw
- Tnxb
- Vcan
- Vtn
Activated NTRK2 signals through PLCG1
- Bdnf
- Ntf4
- Ntf5
- Ntrk2
- Plcg-1
- Plcg1
- Trkb
Reuptake of GABA
- Bgt1
- Gabt1
- Gabt2
- Gabt3
- Gabt4
- Gat-1
- Gat-2
- Gat-3
- Gat-4
- Gat1
- Gat2
- Gat3
- Gat4
- Slc6a1
- Slc6a11
- Slc6a12
- Slc6a13
Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism
- Bmn
- Kiaa0935
- Laman
- Man2b
- Man2b1
- Man2b2
- Man2c1
- Manb
- Manba